No one is safe

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Eden nervously twisted her fingers together. The sound of excited chatter and screams could be heard through the door. Jacob had arrived an hour ago as Eden was delayed on her flight back from New York, she was walking in without her safety blanket.

"Darling it's going to be fun!" Angelina encouraged as she noticed her daughters nervous mannerisms. "I'll be there the whole time with Shane if you need us. Here why don't you go find the birthday boy first and give him his present. Just follow Jacob's voice and you'll find Lucas, okay?"  

Eden gulped as her mom rung the doorbell. This was one of Eden's first birthday parties she was attending that had kids her own age to play with and she was nervous. Lucas mother had invited his entire school group, even the people he never talked to. 

Before Eden could runaway the door was snapped open and instead of greeting Valerie, Lucas's mom with a simple 'hello' she was swept into a sweaty hug from all three boys.

Screeching at the sudden intrusion Eden tried to escape her best friends arms. "Zachary! Eww Jacob your not a dog! Happy Birthday Lucas" 

Laughing they all pulled away in unison before stepping to hug her mother who was quick to hold them back with a hand on their foreheads. "No thank you boys, why don't we all go inside"

Shane couldn't help the bark of laughter that escaped him at Angelina's refusal. Unfortunately it made his presence known to the boys who without hesitation jumped on the large man. Angelina only smirked stepping into the house, ignoring Shane's yelps of pain as the boys wrestled him to the ground. Served him right for laughing at her.

Eden trailed behind her mother still laughing at the chaos the boys caused in under five minutes, it was admirable really.

"Angelina! oh you look gorgeous! that's a dress from your new collection isn't it, I was admiring it the other day! James got me the green sage one" Valeria smiled pulling the two in for a warm hug. It was hard not to love Lucas's parents they both went above and beyond for their son and his friends. Eden was glad her mom had some real friends she could rely on.

"Thank you Valerie! I'm glad you liked them because I brought you the same dress in red and royal blue. It's not just Lucas's birthday today" Angelina giggled as she watched her friends face light up.

"You know me so well! James is going to be pleased he booked us a weekend away in New York, I can model these out there" 

Eden listened to the women chat and gossip as she examined the room full of people. Children from all ages ran in and out of the house hitting each with balloons and other flying objects, it was straight out of an American movie.

Taking a deep breathe Eden ventured out on her own hoping the boys would find her soon. But for now she wanted to take it all in and maybe get her face painted like the other girls.

 The birthday had an army theme which is why Eden was dressed up in a pink camouflage jumpsuit. Eden let her followers vote for her outfit on Instagram and the response she got was instant. Pink camouflage was going to be a new trend that Summer thanks to Eden and Angelina.

"Eden! Wait up! I want to introduce you to my team mates! They really want to meet you" Lucas yelled appearing in front of her in a matter of seconds. Jacob skidded to her side and slung his sweaty arm over her beautiful curly locks.

"Ew Jacob! Get off!" Eden cried sticking her tongue out in disgust. 

"Aww! You know you love me Barbie"  he grinned pulling her back and leading her to the group of boys outside playing American football. 

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