Recital Rebellion (2)

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"So then.. Abby said she was going to re-ask the question and Maddie to put up her hand. Maddie did what she was told, which made Kelly scream at Ms.Abby" Eden explained her hand movements exaggerated as she retold the story to her dad and uncle Johnny.

"And then what happened?"

"And then! Abby started shouting for the police to be called because Kelly started swearing. I left by then with Vanessa because they wouldn't stop shouting and well I was tired. So yeah! that's what happened" Eden indulged them, feeling very important when they gasped at all the right time. They were an exceptional audience.

"They should make a TV show out of this" Johnny muttered in thought.

"It is on a show, Johnny! It's called 'Dance Moms' and we learn new routines every week and go around different states competing" Eden giggled leaning further into his side. 

"Oh that's right! your mom did tell me something about the producers alright. Horrible people I'm told"

"You got that right" Robert agreed, bopping Eden on the nose. She gave him a tired smile, after returning home an hour ago Eden had still to get dinner. She didn't know what the delay was but Eden was getting hangry. 

After no further comments were made they turned their attention to the big screen, Ice Age was playing. One of Eden's favourite movies, the men agreed it was a solid choice, who didn't like it?

 Eden was so involved in the film she missed the door bell ring, and there new found guests. 

Angelina skipped to the door a happy grin spreading across her face. "Well hello there!" Marshall smirked looking his girl up and down momentarily forgetting his daughter observing their exchange.

"Marshall ! Whitney!  Come on in!  How was the flight?" Angelina greeted pulling them both in for a hug. Marshall's lasted seconds longer, she had to pull away when his hands began to wander.

"Good, Whit slept the entire way"

"Good! Let's head in! Eden doesn't know you'll be here today, so it'll be a good surprise. She's in the cinema room with Robert and Johnny" Angelina explained  placing  Whitney's overnight bag by the staircase. 

"I'll just leave these by the stairs, Robert will put them in your rooms later on or do you want to freshen up now?" 

"No! I just want to see Eden!" Whitney denied quickly, she was excited to see her friend. The endless phone calls they had wasn't enough, they usually overtook Marshall and Angelina's phones.

"You said Johnny?.." Marshall questions his body shadowing her's closely. 

"Yes, Eden's god father is down for the week. He's just done filming so he made sure to come out and see her"

"Johnny who?" Marshall asked trying to clarify who he was going to be meeting. He wanted to know if the man was competition.

"Johnny Depp, you know Captain Jack Sparrow" Angelina laughed, as Marshall's face morphed into disbelief.

"Eden's godfather is Captain Jack Sparrow?! Man you celebrities are crazy!" 

"Marshall, you are Eminem" Angelina stated slowly as if reminding him how famous he was.  

"I know, it's just actors are a different ball game" he muttered trying not to stutter over his explanation. Angelina could have swooned if it wasn't for his young daughter walking alongside them. 

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