Peaky Blinders

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Going to be doing a couple of chapters on what Eden gets up to during her time off dance moms, leave some suggestions if you want.


Lily sat shaking with her legs tucked up to her chest in the waiting room of the hospital wondering if her dad remained alive.

 The scene's ran through her mind like a film on repeat. How the Italian men stormed into her friends house knocking their father out cold in order to get her, he put up a good fight to protect her. Before she was dragged through the streets of Birmingham, her dad's kingdom.

 She put up a good fight, but two grown men easily over powered the young girl even with her gypsy spirit. 

 When she rounded the corner and saw her dad, her hero someone she deemed invincible blooded and beaten Lily's heart stopped beating. 

He was late picking her up, but that was nothing new. Tommy was always busy and scheming, time just slipped bye. 

It wasn't the first time he had forgotten her nor would it be the last. She never held to against him, he was trying to make a better life for the two of them.

Lily was snapped out of her stupor at the loud and recognizable voices of her family, the Shelby's had arrived in Calvary.

"Aunt Pol?" Lily whispered, her voice hoarse from the screaming. 

"Petal?! What happened?"

"They took him, I haven't seen him in hours Pol. They won't tell me anything" she told them, trying to contain her trembles it was too much. 

"Ssh you sit tight with John and I'll go find out, okay?" Pol soothed rocking the littlest Shelby asleep.

"Make sure he doesn't die Polly, I want my dad"

"You go to sleep now, everything will be okay. Us Shelby's are tough and no one's as stubborn as your father"

John picked up his only niece and gently rocked her to sleep like he did when she was a baby. Her trembling body slow eased as small snores emitted from her body. Everyone knew the trauma of these events would live with her forever.

"And Scene! Brilliant work everybody. We're going to reset and get the close up shoots now"

Eden peaked an eye open as Joe settled her into the seat beside them. "Good Job Eden, the trembles were a good addition" 

"Thanks! I wanted to be extra dramatic for this scene"

Joe let out a belting laugh at the girls reasoning, if there was one thing Eden was good at it was being dramatic. He could remember the time that Paul Anderson had eaten the last cookie unaware that she had been eyeing it since the start of shooting. The little girl collapsed to the floor and played dead until he apologised, the next day there was an abundant amount of cookies available.

The Peaky Blinders cast was a close knit group of people, in there second season they had welcome new members with open arms, Jacob included.

The shows popularity had taken off and has begin to catch momentum. It was much thanks to Eden's remarkable fan base.


Polly twisted the handle slowly with shaky hands, "Now remember what I said" she advised knowing that Tommy looked worse for wear.

Lily nodded her head eager to see her fathers chest rise up and down. She knew after seeing him covered in blood that he wasn't good. 

Polly let go of her hand and watched Lily run towards the bed , the little girl couldn't see him clearly. Pulling herself onto the bed she peered over his body.

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