Bondi Beach (ii)

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 Unfortunately for them they hadn't notice the seagulls lift behind them or the shark fin that protruded the through surface heading straight for them. 

The lifeguards had spotted it but were a second to late to sound the alarm. As a young great white had already taken a bite of the surfers leg pulling him beneath the water. Jaws locked on the surfer's leg they had no chance of fighting it off before he disappeared beneath the sea.

Time seemed to freeze as the surfers blood diluted the water around them.

Eden didn't remember screaming but it was something Marshall would remember for the rest of his life. Her terrified shrill reached the shore line as the lifeguards re-deployed the jet ski.

Eden didn't know how long it took the shark to release the young surfer but when he finally broke the water his yell of fear was firmly imprinted to memory. 

He struggled to reach their board, adrenaline was the only thing keeping him going at that moment. But before he could get close enough the shark attacked again. This time choosing a different target.

Chris worked on instinct pulling Eden into his chest as the shark took a lump out of their board exactly where the little girl was lying seconds before. The Australian born man didn't hesitate to thump the shark in the gills as Eden went white with shock. 

Sharks were bigger than humans gave them credit for and Eden didn't think she would ever forget looking into it's dark unforgiving black eyes. He could have used her as a tooth pick.

Brave surfers who had witnessed the attack risked their lives to help them. As the shark disappeared from view again Chris wasted no time in pulling the injured man onto his board. It was risky move to do especially with Chris and Eden already on the board. Thankfully Eden didn't take up much room and they could make it work.

His scared and pain-driven screams could be heard from the shore line as lifeguards took action. Blinking through her tears, Eden eyes were trained on the murky water around them watching it turn a deep red. It was just another factor that made it harder to see the shark.

 Eden didn't know how she kept her cool, the specialists would say it was adrenaline keeping her going.

"Eden I need you to tie this very tightly above his knee, okay? I'm going to try and get us in" Chris instructed handing her the leg rope attached to their board.

Taking the rope quickly Eden did as she was told trying to ignore how the man groaned in pain or the blood that painted her hands.

"That's it! we're nearly there!" Chris confirmed trying to keep them both calm. The sizable chunk missing from his board didn't help their efforts in returning to shore.

"That's it man, you got it" one of the surfers encouraged keeping an eye out for the shark whereabouts. It didn't help that the mans leg still bled all though significantly less.

Everything had happened in under a few minutes and already a crowd began to form on the beach front. News spread quickly when the shark alarm blared across Bondi beach. The emergency services flying down the street heading straight for Bondi indicated just how serious the matter was. It wasn't a false alarm.

There wasn't a lot of room as Eden helped paddle trying not to throw up. The man's mauled leg was within her direct eye line and it was clear to Eden that the missing limb was not going to be saved.

She tried to reassure him but there was nothing the eleven year old could do or say to help the situation, only help paddle faster. 

The jet ski circling around them for protection, reporting back to the boys in tower to keep them up to date. They couldn't risk moving him onto the jet-ski not with the shark being so close by. 

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