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Pre Oscar's in the ALDC


The cameras zeroed in on the ALDC owner, Abby Lee Miller, perched in her office, her phone clutched tightly in her grip. The intensity with which she listened mirrored an audience captivated by Leonardo DiCaprio himself. Despite persistent requests from the producers to put the conversation on speaker, Abby staunchly resisted. Whatever was being discussed wasn't meant for prying ears; it was a private exchange between her and Angelina Jolie, a conversation they were determined to keep behind closed doors. This was the week of the Oscars, and with Eden's absence from the competition this week it only heightened the air of secrecy.

This week marked a pivotal moment for the show as Abby's top talent was set to create Oscar history. The producers weren't just seeking drama; they were demanding it, and their spotlight was firmly fixed on none other than Eden-Rose, Abby's star pupil.

Armed with a list of carefully crafted storylines, their strategy was clear—manipulate the moms into playing their part and kickstart the drama. The producers were willing to go to great lengths for the show, especially considering the global coverage Eden-Rose's Oscar moment promised. The Oscars, a worldwide broadcast event, would introduce the remarkable young actress to audiences unfamiliar with her. The Lifetime producers saw this as a golden opportunity, a chance to forever link Eden-Rose's name with the legacy of the show 'Dance Moms.'


"Congratulations, ladies! Eight wins in a row!!" Abby exclaimed with genuine joy, her smile reflecting the pride in her studio. The mothers and girls joined in the applause, celebrating their undefeated streak.

"Thats a big deal!" Abby nodded, "But, let's not get too comfortable. We're still early in the season, and many studios haven't even presented their competition numbers yet. It's going to get tougher and tougher as we move along. People know who you are now, and they're gunning for you, especially my superstar."

Holly, ever analytical, nodded at Abby's words. The truth was evident—other dance teams were openly targeting them, especially aiming for Abby's golden girl, Eden-Rose. Social media buzzed with the anticipation of rivalries, and the pressure was building.

"Speaking of my superstar," Abby continued, "I think you all know by now that Eden has been nominated for an Oscar as the leading actress in her movie, 'H-help!'. This is an honor many actors spend their entire lives trying to achieve, so I hope every one of you has sent there best wishes and will be tuning in to watch your teammate make history." 

Amid the excitement, Melissa suggested a viewing party for the Oscars, a proposal Abby readily accepted. The idea had actually originated from Maddie and Nia, highlighting the building camaraderie between the girls.

"I would be delighted to join," Abby responded graciously, appreciating the thoughtful gesture. She would definitely be broadcasting their reaction.

"Now before we begin girls, I hope you understand the significance of Eden's success for this team, the opportunities she has brought to this team are life changing. The level of work ethic and brilliance she brings every single week should push every single one of you to want to improve and get better. You may never get a chance again to dance alongside someone so talented" Abby emphasized, challenging them to elevate their work ethic much to their mother's chagrin.

"This week, we are going to Detroit, Michigan, and we will be attending intensity dance competition" Abby announced, eliciting applause from both the moms and the girls. "This city once fueled the rise of millionaires through the car industry, but then came the economic downturn, and suddenly, the demand for cars plummeted. So we're going to do a routine called 'Riches to Rags' and seeing as Eden is absent this week, Maddie you'll be taking the lead as well as doing a contemporary solo entitled "Timeless" because you are timeless, Maddie."

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