Chloe vs Kendall

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"Did you get your dress sorted Eden?" Angelina asked as she dug through the laundry basket. There seemed to be a never ending amount of clothes that had to be washed the majority being leotards and dance clothes.

"Yes! it's a custom Valentino, dad told me there organising the whole wedding and all we have to do is promote their brand" 

"Oh?! that was thoughtful" Angelina mumbled setting the basket down on the soft white carpet. 

"Susan said to give her a text later on today because you still need to pick out a dress. Actually two one for the rehearsals and then one for the actual wedding" Eden informed as she lay in the comfort of her bed.

"I'll put a reminder in my phone to do it when your in dance class. Does Jacob and the boys get suits too or?.."

"Dad said Jacob, Lucas, and Zachary will all have their own suits made. Everyone has to come in Valentino or there not allowed in, those were the only exceptions"

"Well I guess I can understand why... who's idea was it anyway? I thought Robert wanted a simple wedding. One behind closed doors so that you being bridesmaid wouldn't cause much speculation" Angelina questioned turning her full attention to her only child.

"I don't know mom, it's just what I was told. I'm still going to be a bridesmaid. The people attending already know who I am... and I'm sure dad has it all thought through"

"Hmm he better" Angelina thought feeling slightly disgruntled. After years of scrutiny on who Eden father was she wasn't going to let one thoughtless action ruin it. Not until they had a discussion about it. Despite her daughters huge success it could easily be diminished especially by the power of social media these days.

 "Alright, why don't you start getting ready. I'll have breakfast made by the time you get out of the shower. Don't forget you have pyramid today" Angelina shouted over her shoulder, the clothes basket resting on her hip.

Eden's groan of despair echoed down the hallway, she despised the pyramid. It only caused more drama amongst the moms.


Eden watched as Payton hopped into line on two crutches. Her ankle was unfortunately badly injured and she would be out for a month.

 It made Eden grimace in fear and ask Payton if she needed a chair. Getting injured was Eden's biggest nightmare, she wouldn't cope well if it happened and everyone knew it.

Despite it only being two days since the incident Payton already looked as if she lost her shine. 

They might not have been close and Eden didn't like her mother but she wouldn't wish an injury on her worst enemy. Abby Lee Miller didn't feel the same way.

"Welcome back girls! I hope you had a long and hard talk with yourselves because if your not going to put in a hundred and ten percent than I will simply replace you" Abby greeted optimistically only to receive glares from the mothers in return . They were already starting the week off on a bad foot.

"And starting off with the pyramid on the bottom is of course, Payton. You have yet to admit that you were fooling around backstage! first you tripped over the leg of a chair, then it wasn't the leg of the chair it was Kendall's foot. But now I'm hearing you were making fun of the ballet routine that was on stage and you were doing ballet steps and that's how you fell"  Abby ranted not giving the sixteen year old time to respond.

Eden watched the exchange closely, it was obvious the producers were involved because Brooke was an eye witness and it didn't happen the way they painted it.

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