Do-Si-Do and Do-Si-Don't

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"Welcome" Abby smiles gesturing her hands around their newly rented studio.  "You are in one of the worlds best places for entertainment! There are more shows employing more dancers than on Broadway right now! You only have to look beside you to see how useful dance is to land you a job" Abby stated gesturing towards Eden. It was no secret that the girl had used her contortion skills to land roles in horror films. Not many people knew it was the young actress she was unrecognizable in all of them.

"Now! you had an impressive win last week, I loved the routine. You told a story, everybody saw it, everybody got it"

 The girls smiled happy with their positive feedback, heading into nationals they wanted to be in Abby's good books.

"Okay! on the bottom of the pyramid we have Mackenzie! Obviously you weren't with us. Next, I have Paige. All though the solo didn't work out too well, I thought you pulled it together and did a nice job in the group routine"

"Thank you" Paige accepted quietly.

"Next is Brooke, I don't think you showed off your assets in the number. God has given you a gift, you can do things not everyone can do. You could be landing roles in movies or shows if you apply yourself"

Kelly rolled her eyes to heaven, Abby always wanted more from her daughters but wouldn't put in the work to teach them. It was annoying to see Eden a girl four years younger pass Brooke bye.

"Next I have Nia,I thought all through rehearsal you were outstanding! and then you stepped out on stage... how did you go from looking like you were shooting a movie and you were the dance captain to in the back corner, stage right turning into oblivion? "

Eden stayed quiet as Nia apologized for her mistake, it wasn't often that the girl messed up. Holly nodded her head in agreement, Nia did perform better at rehearsal than competitions.

Eden was slowly falling asleep with her eyes wide open, pyramids were getting longer and longer as the days went on. Having stayed up late last night studying for a test she would need to pass in order to skip a grade, Eden was wrecked. Her dad promised a holiday to Japan if all went to plan.

"Moving up, I have Kendall. Kendall it was your big audition for nationals and you blew it! Tell me what happened to that number?"

"Well I just saw a lot of the solo's before me and they kind of got me nervous."

"That's why I always tell you guys, when you step off the stage smile like you won the whole competition. It freaks people out! You don't want anyone coming off saying 'Yes, I nailed it'. It's tricks of the trade. You never ever see Eden come off the stage without a confident smile on her face, even if she feels like she didn't perform to the best of her ability."

Eden remained silent, her face didn't move a single muscle as she tried to comprehend why Abby always brought her up in conversation. It was tiring to say the least.

"Next is Chloe, your kind of flying under the radar this week" Abby shrugged looking directly towards the girl. Christy bit her lip in order to keep quiet, she couldn't risk opening her mouth   so close to nationals. 

"Next is Maddie" Abby stated resulting in Melissa's face to drop. She had been working extra hard for her daughters to be higher up the pyramid and third place from the top just wasn't good enough. "You had the style, you had the look and the facial expressions and you pulled the focus in the group routine. Well done"

"Thank you" Maddie beamed in pride, it was good to be back in Abby's good books.

"Next, I have Asia! You have proven to being undefeated! You remind me of Eden-Rose sometimes" Abby smiled watching as the younger dancer squealed at the compliment before attaching herself onto Eden's side. Their giggles echoed across the studio walls. It was a moment that made everybody smile. "So congratulations another victory on the eight and under category!"

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