Oscar (Finale)

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"And the Oscar goes to..." Robert began with a nervous breath unlike his usual confident, charismatic demeanor, something that the people of Twitter noticed but didn't pay much attention to as they too waited in anticipation.

"Eden-Rose" Robert cheered in triumph earning a loud roar from the crowd as people stood to their feet in applause.

"Oh, my darling!!" Angelina cried pulling her daughter into a warm embrace as Eden finally overcame her shock. She did it, she had won. Oscar was coming home with her!

Jacob, Lucas, Zachary, and even Marshall hollered into the air as she finally stood from her seat welcoming their hugs and kisses of congratulations. There wasn't a space left on her face unkissed as she welcomed everyone's excitement. She was the youngest ever Oscar Nominee turned Winner, it was a historic moment that no one would forget.

Robert bounded down the stairs, reaching his daughter halfway as she navigated her way through the crowd of numerous celebrities. Everyone was delighted for the teary-eyed eleven-year-old, but no one could compare to her joyous father.

His heart swelled with pride as he embraced his daughter tightly, joyous tears filling his eyes. No one paid much heed to his celebration as the entire room remained on their feet. It was a historic victory, destined to flood every corner of the world's social media platforms.

Eden couldn't recall how she reached the stage; all that mattered was her father's presence beside her, and his loving embrace finally allowed her tears to flow freely.

"Let's give a warm round of applause for Ms. Eden Rose!" Robert cheered as he handed the golden figurine to his daughter. With a proud smile, he took a step back, giving her the spotlight she deserved. Unbeknownst to him, in that crucial moment, a man stumbled onto the stage in his blind spot just as Eden prepared to step up to the microphone for her speech, which would ultimately go unheard.


Unaware of the change in the crowd's mood, Eden didn't recognize the shift from cheers to concerned shouts. Blinded by the intense stage lights, she instead turned her head to the right to offer another smile to her dad, seeking a final touch of encouragement. This was her moment to express gratitude to everyone who had contributed to her journey. The small statue in her hand represented months of tireless effort, mastering two new languages, visiting historically significant places, and, of course, devouring numerous books of history.

In the few seconds when Eden stood on the grand stage, clutching her well-deserved award, her heart swelled with a profound sense of purpose. She hoped that, through the movie for which she had won the award, she had managed to impart a small shard of awareness about the harrowing experiences endured during one of the most critical chapters in history. She aspired to plant a seed of understanding and empathy so that the grim lessons of the past would never need to be repeated.

The movie, "H-help!" which had brought her this prestigious accolade delved deep into the tumultuous years of World War II, specifically focusing on the life of a young Jewish girl in Germany. It was a powerful portrayal of her difficult journey as she fought tirelessly for her very survival. In the midst of this turmoil, an unexpected twist of fate introduced a young German soldier into her life. A bond began to form, defying the prejudices and hatred that had threatened to consume the world around them. The story depicted a fragile yet profound connection, a glimmer of humanity in the midst of chaos, reminding us that even in the direst circumstances, compassion and understanding can prevail.

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