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Eden lay down in the dressing room settee with her head resting on Jacobs lap as he read 'Little woman' out loud. By now Jacob could recite the book from memory, it being one of Eden's favorites.

 The young Irish boy could recite a number of books now including Shakespearean plays and of course the Harry Potter collection.

 The Jolie and Duffy families had returned to Pittsburgh just over a week ago after filming 'Unbroken' and finishing Eden's new film the 'H-help!' .

 Whilst her mom worked in Australia Eden starred in numerous high profile modelling campaigns, even featuring on the Vogue Australian cover. During her stay the interviews never stopped especially when everyone wanted an inside story on Bondi's most recent shark attack.

In their time abroad Eden's skin had tanned after weeks under the sun, the nickname 'Barbie' had never been truer. Her blonde hair brightened naturally under the beaming rays. It was as if she took the sun home with her.

For another two and half months Eden worked tirelessly on her new movie the 'H-help!'. For the role itself Eden had spent months in preparation learning to speak German and Yiddish. 

The movie is reported to become the biggest hit in the movie industry within the last decade. Stephen Spielberg was once again taking on the mammoth task of creating an exceptional piece of art work with Eden being the muse.

 Time seemed to fly by, and before Eden knew it she was packing to head back home. Her time as the main character was over for now. 



"Hmm?" she murmured her eyes closed peacefully.

"The girls are here" Jacob told her with a yawn. The duo had been at the studio from seven that morning. Abby Lee Miller wanted to see everything they had learned in their months off. To say Abby was impressed was an understatement, she never had students who worked so hard as they did. It was refreshing to see.

Within the past few months it wasn't just Eden that had changed physically. Jacob had sprouted up like a weed. He was now the tallest in their group with Zachary coming a close second, followed closely by Lucas.

 After finishing his first movie the offers to Jacob never ceased especially with his ever growing fame on social media. There was no denying the media's love for the young and cheeky Irish boy who proclaimed his love to Eden any chance he got. They adored him.

"Eden your back!! Hi Jacob" Nia squealed simultaneously with Maddie before dashing over. "Wow! your hair is so pretty!" 

"Hi guys! and thank you!" Eden beamed twirling a piece of her natural curly hair that bounced back it place.

From a young age Eden's natural hair was hidden with the use of perms, no one in the Abby Lee Dance Company had seen it this way and it was beautiful. 

"It's good to see you! How was Australia, France and everywhere else?! I was watching your YouTube vlogs! you traveled all over the world"

Eden let out a girly giggle as Nia continued to bounce on the balls of her feet in excitement. She had definitely missed the girls enthusiastic personality.

"It was amazing! we got to meet a lot of really cool and inspiring people, and we learned a lot of different styles of dance as well"

"Yeah! I think we can win with performing the tango if we practice hard enough " Jacob agreed favoring the fast pace dance.

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