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Sunday, 27th October 1991

"Bon anniversaire Athena!" Fleur wished Athena as she barged into her room at 6:30 in the morning, Athena was, of course, still asleep. Why would you wake up at 6:30 in the morning on a Sunday?

"Come on, Athena, let's celebrate your birthday!" Fleur starts to hit Athena to wake up as Athena begged to sleep in. With all the hitting, Athena is still not up from her bed.

"Fine, I'm gonna get a bucket of water to splash onto you!" Athena immediately sprung up as if she was a trap door being forcefully opened.

"I'm up!" Fleur ushered Athena to get washed up so that she could dress Athena up.

Once Athena was out of the bathroom still in her pyjamas. Fleur went to look into Athena's closet and try to pick out her clothes for the day.

"Why are most of your clothes black? Ma chérie, this cannot be your closet, there's very little colour in here."

"Why not? I look great in black, my entire family does. You can just transfigure them to another colour."

Fleur shook her head as Athena finishes her sentence. The Ashryver-Auclair Family do look amazing, extravagant some might say, in black. The first time Fleur saw the family when they first arrive, Athena's parents were dressed in mostly black. Monsieur Ashryver was in a full black suit with a black coat to go with it. While Madame Auclair was in a very expensive black dress that fit onto her perfectly, accompanied by a dark grey coat.

Fleur knew it was expensive because she wanted to get one that is similar to it, plus Madame Auclair is her minister of magic. Fleur knows how the Minister dress as she has seen her at the Ministry when her father brought her and she adored her fashion.

Fleur picked out a black turtleneck, and dark grey dress pants with a black coat. She placed the clothes on the bed together with a black belt and her combat boots on the floor.

"You would be a great wife, and whoever is gonna marry you he's lucky. Thanks for picking out my outfit." Athena took her clothes and went back into the bathroom to change. Fleur started to turn red at the comment and try to hide it as she walked over to Athena's bookshelves to see the content of it.



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Eternally • Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now