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Wednesday, 13th November 1991

The Quartet was heading to their Defence Against the Dark Arts class. They have a surprise waiting for them. They were told to gather in the duelling block.

"How did you do for the Charms test?" Nicholas asked as he stared at his paper.

"37/50 but those two had full marks," Atlas said as he pointed at the females.

Nicholas looked at the two females with awe and questioning looks. "Please, Charms is one of my best subjects, did you forget?" Athena scoffed as she shrugged.

"I had help from her, extra tuition. Honestly, with her, I know a fair share of spells now."

The Quartet went on joking about each other's intelligence and recalling their one week holiday. The Academy were surprised that the Siblings and their buddies could get even closer. The Academy only thought that the Ashryver-Auclairs only spend the last two days together for the quidditch matches. Little did they know, they had a whole ass adventure.

The Quartet was last to reach to duelling block. Athena sensed a familiar aura but she couldn't pinpoint who it was. Then Atlas nudge her to look at the familiar in front of them.

"Is that who I think it is?" Athena asked her twin as she set her bag down.

"Yep, the one and only Monsieur Cartier," Atlas said as he gave her a mischievous grin. They were planning to do something and their buddies knew it. Fleur and Nicholas tried to get them to tell their plan but they received a warning.

"Stand behind us-" Athena warned as she dropped her wand from her sleeve.

"This is about to get interesting." Atlas finishes up his twin's sentence and readies his wand. The buddies did what they were told. They also told the other students to back away, the students gave them questioning looks but they did what they were told.

"Stupefy!" Atlas cast the spell and it was immediately blocked. The other students looked at the twins with wide eyes as Athena cast a spell.


"Protego!" Athena cast as she protected her twin. She gave Cartier the 'are you serious!' look and she received a grin from the former Auror.

The twins cast spells at Cartier, they worked with one another so well as they protected each other's openings. Cartier was impressed with how the twins worked and fought together, after all, he trained them and their brothers.

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