Chapter 10: Welcoming the survivors

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The sight they saw made Clarke gasp with shock. The part of the Ark they were looking at was completely mashed up. There couldn't be any survivors. Not from this station. Although Clarke knew there were other stations, she still felt close to tears. One of the other girls that came was already crying.
"Come on." Clarke said. "We have to find the other stations." Everyone followed her and Bellamy.
"Look!" Bellamy pointed into the distance. "Smoke! there is another station!"
"Let's hope they've survived." Raven said.
They got there at last. This piece was more lucky. The whole thing had landed safely.
To Clarke's suprise, Abby walked out, breathing in the fresh air.
"Mum!" Clarke called. Abby turned around, and when she saw Clarke she rushed over.
"I can't believe your alive!" Clarke hugged her mum.
"Are you ok? How have you been coping?" Abby looked at Clarke.
"Fine. Everything's fine." Clarke said.
"And the grounders?"
"Still killing us." Clarke looked sad, remembering Finn.
'Oh well.' She thought to herself. 'I've got Bellamy now.' She smiled as she thought of him.
Kane emerged from the ship, and started asking Bellamy lots of questions. After a couple of minutes Clarke cut in.
"We should find the other survivors. Then get back to camp." Abby and Bellamy nodded in agreement. So they went off to find the rest.
Overall they found 2 more stations, then they headed back to camp. To their surprise and horror, there was no one there. All there was was a strange smell in the air, and a bit of red gas that had just faded. Clarke looked at Bellamy. "What is this?" She asked. No one answered her.

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