The antidote

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No one had entered the room they were keeping Clarke in. Only Bellamy and Abby had been brave enough. Octavia had gone in a couple of times, but not much. Bellamy had definitely been in the most. In fact, he spent more time in there than he did anywhere else. Abby had been the one who was actually trying to figure out how to turn Clarke back.

Many things had been tried already. They had given Clarke countless medications in the hope that something would change. Nothing did though. Octavia had made several visits to Lincoln to see if he knew anything. Unfortunately he had no clue. They just had to figure something out their own way.

"Clarke. Clarke I know your in there, please." Bellamy had done this several times. But all Clarke did was growl at him menacingly, her crazy eyes staring right at him.
"Clarke, come out. We need you here. Clarke?" But still nothing changed. Until the next day.

Octavia came running into the room, where Bellamy was sleeping.
"Bell, wake up!" She yelled at him.
"O? What are you doing?" Bellamy looked questioningly at her.
"There's a grounder here." She looked worried.
"What?" Bellamy looked confused.
"A grounder. She says she knows how to turn people back."
"You mean...."
"Yeah. Come quickly." Bellamy jumped up and followed Octavia out. Sure enough, there was a grounder there.
"My name is Lexa." She said.
"Bellamy." Bellamy said.
"I have a cure for your reaper. I just want one thing in return."
Bellamy didn't like the feeling of this.
"What?" He asked uneasily.
"Her." Lexa pointed to Octavia.
"What?! No way! No!" Bellamy was outraged.
"Then she can stay a monster forever." Lexa glared at them.
"Take me." Said Abby standing forward.
"Abby-" Bellamy began, but Abby cut him off.
"No, Bellamy. I have to do this. For my daughter."
Bellamy didn't know what to do.
"Take me." Abby said, and Lexa nodded.
"Very well. Here's the antidote." She handed Bellamy a glass container that had a bright blue liquid inside it.
"Thank you. And Abby, May We Meet Again."
"May We Meet Again." Abby said. Then she and Lexa left.
Bellamy went to give Clarke the antidote. He sure hoped it would work.

Clarke slowly opened her eyes.
"Where am I?" She asked.
"Your safe Clarke. At camp. How are you feeling?" Bellamy asked.
Clarke got up.
"Who are you?"
"What do you mean? I'm Bellamy." He looked puzzled. But not as puzzled as Clarke.
"I'm sorry, Bellamy. But I have no clue who you are."
Bellamy's eyes widened as he realised the truth.
"That Lexa!" He yelled.
"What is it bell?" Octavia came running in.
"Lexa wiped Clarke's memory! She has no clue who I am!" Bellamy yelled. Octavia looked at Clarke. She looked at Bellamy.
"Oh no." She groaned.
"Right. That's it. I'm getting Lexa. And no one will stop me." He stomped out the room. Octavia reluctantly let him go. She knew that when Bellamy was like this, there was no stopping him. Lexa was not going to survive.

A/N I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! I have some amazing amazing news! The best ever! Season 3 premiers January 21st 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I hope you liked it!! What do you think?? It's really helpful to get feedback. Thanks!! :)

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