May We Meet Again

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She was running.
Away from something she couldn't see.
But she knew it was bad.
Bellamy was just a few meters away.
Now a few feet.
Now only centimetres.
She was in his arms.
He was hugging her tight.
Keeping her safe.
Then the beast came up.
Tearing away at his flesh in front of her eyes.
She screamed. Louder and louder, until -
"Clarke! Clarke, are you ok?" Bellamy was shaking her, waking her up.
"Yeah, I'm fine Bellamy. It was just a dream."
"Ok. Well, are you sure you're all right?"
"Yes. I'm fine. Don't fuss."
Lincoln stirred. "It's light. We should get going." Lincoln got up and woke up Octavia.

They had been walking until it was one pm. Then they walked up to the longest gate any of them had ever seen before.
It was grand. Pure, shiny gold with sterling silver leaves wrapping around each inch of the incredible frame. It was only about three metres taller than Bellamy and Lincoln, but the way it was designed meant that it was impossible to climb.
They all stood and stared for what felt like seconds, but really it was minutes.
Lincoln was the first one to snap out of it.
"We have to find a way passed." He said determinedly.
And then they found one. Well, really the entrance found them.
A girl who was about Octavia's age walked up to the gate.
Her hair was as black as coal. Her face was pale. She was so thin. But she looked healthy enough, Clarke thought.
The girl walked delicately up to the gate. 
"Who are you?" She asked, with the most confident voice anyone had ever heard. 
"We are here on our search for Ayowei." Lincoln told her.
"Well, I have to say that's very brave of you."
"And who exactly are you?" Bellamy asked her.
"Luna." She replied.
"Please let us through, Luna." Octavia begged.
"On one condition."
"Give me a sacrifice." She replied.
"What do you mean?" Octavia looked confused.
"You can't all come. Someone needs to stay here."
"That's crazy!" Bellamy looked so angry.
"Wait. Wait. I'll go. You all need to go on. I'll stay." Lincoln looked sadly at Octavia.
"Lincoln, no!" She cried.
"I have to, Octavia."
"But we can't find Ayowei without you."
"I'll give you my diary. Everything you'll need to know is there." He handed it over to her, and then kissed her.
"May We Meet Again."
"May We Meet Again." Octavia cried.
"Thank you, Lincoln. We'll come back for you." Clarke said to him. Bellamy just nodded in thanks.
"Right." Luna said. "You made the right choice. Sometimes people turn back. But let me tell you something. This is the first of many sacrifices you'll have to make."
She opened the chained up gate, and let them through.
Once hugging and kissing Lincoln again, they carried on, knowing they had to cover as much ground as they could. Tears dripped silently down Octavia's face.
"I'm sorry, O." Bellamy looked her in the eye.
"We'll see him again." She said. But the tears kept coming.
"I don't know how she's feeling right now." Bellamy thought to himself. "If I ever lost Clarke, what would I do?"

A/N Hi guys!! I'm so sorry for being so rubbish at updating. I'm trying to get back into the routine of once a week! Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. Thanks for reading ;)

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