Going Back

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A/N hello everyone. I'm writing this chapter early because I wanted to thank you guys! This book has reached 10k reads, and I'm sooooo grateful to all of you!! Thank you so much for all your reads, votes and comments!

They set foot in camp for the first time since the Mountain Men had come and taken everyone away.
"Wow. I haven't been here in ages." Bellamy said, looking around.
"None of us have." Octavia commented.
"So is this the drop ship?" Clarke asked.
"Yeah." Octavia said.
"Do you remember anything?" Bellamy looked at Clarke hopefully.
Clarke shook her head. "Nothing." She looked sad, but kind of relieved.
"I still don't know if I trust you."
"Clarke. Please."
"Take me to the grounder who took away my memory." Clarke demanded.
"Wh. . . Are you crazy?" Bellamy looked at her with slight fear in his eyes. Clarke had learned from now that it took a lot to scare Bellamy.
"What's so bad about a grounder?" Clarke laughed.
"We told you the story. They're dangerous."
"Not all of them." Octavia said suddenly.
"What do you mean O?" Bellamy turned to face her, looking confused.
"Lincoln." She said. "I bet you he'll take us to Lexa. Or at least pass on a message. You know he'll do anything he can to help me."
"Fine." Bellamy huffed. "Let's go see Lincoln."


Not quite knowing what he was doing, Monty snuck into the control room. He was waiting until it was off guard. After watching it secretly for two days, he knew this was the only chance he would get. And he only had fifteen minutes.
The control room was full of technology. Monty grinned to himself. He could've spent hours checking everything out. But he was on a tight schedule.
Seating himself down at the nearest computer. He began tapping away at the keys. All the monitors had been left on, and were already logged into.
'Lucky.' Monty thought to himself. 'Very lucky.'
He began reading lots of information about Mount Weather, and its security system.
"Wow. This is even more complex than I thought. Pretty cool." Monty said aloud, impressed.
"I'm glad you think that." A voice said.
Monty whipped his head around.
"Um. . ." He was stuck for words.
"I'm Cage. The presidents son." He explained, in a voice that was nothing but friendly.
"I'm. . . I'm Monty." He stuttered.
"Yes. Your one of the ones we brought here."
Monty nodded.
"And what are you doing in this private room?" He asked, tapping his fingers against the table in an irritating way. Monty knew he didn't have much time to think of an excuse.
"This is a private room?" He asked. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought it was open to everyone."
"Is that why you're looking at our security system?" Cage asked, looking Monty coldly in the eye.
"I'm sorry. How about I leave and we forget this?" Monty asked desperately.
"This won't be forgotten." Cage said. He lifted up the gun he was hiding and pulled the trigger.

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