The reaper

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Still running, they lead Clarke into camp. Many people got out of their tents to see what all the noise was about. They gasped when they realised what Clarke was.
Abby rushed out, and was speechless.
"What...." She began to say, but Bellamy cut her off.
"She will kill us!" He yelled, pointing at Clarke. Murphy had grabbed something off the floor. 'A log.' Bellamy realised. Then he knew what the plan was.
Murphy sneaked up behind Clarke, who had paused for a second. He whacked her hard on her head hard, and Bellamy winced as she clunked to the ground. Abby looked as if she was going to cry, and he didn't blame her.
"What do we do now?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper.
"We tie her up. Then try and cure her." Bellamy was making it up on the spot. He had no clue what to do.
"Ok, I need a few volunteers to help me tie her up." Bellamy asked. No one stepped forwards.
"Don't worry, while she's unconscious she's safe." He reassured the uneasy crowd. They looked at him disbelievingly, and Someone said what Bellamy had been dreading.
"What if this has happened to all the people who've disappeared?" He yelled.
Bellamy gulped.
"We can try and reverse it?" Someone said.
"Maybe there is no cure." Another replied.
"We can figure it out later. Just help me." The look in his face made many people volunteer.
At last, they had her tied up.
'She's not going to escape.' Bellamy thought. 'I hope' he added.

Where was she? What had happened? Why did her head hurt? And, most importantly, why was she tied up? Clarke noticed movement, and she growled. These people had mistreated her. They wouldn't get away with it.
A boy with black messy hair came up to her. She recognised him. He had run from her.
"Clarke." He said. The voice was somehow familier. And how did he know her name?
"Clarke." He repeated. "This is Bellamy."
She lunged forward to try and get to him, but the rope was too tight.
"Clarke please. Come back." He sounded desperate. "Come back Clarke. I need you."

A/N. So sorry I'm such a rubbish updater! I'm going to update every two weeks. One week this book, the next week my season 3 book. I'm going to try doing it that way, hopefully it will be more successful. I hope you enjoyed the cheaper anyway! Thanks!!

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