The start

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It had been two days since they had started the longest journey they would ever go on. They had passed three grounder villages, and at each one the leaders there had given them a few extra supplies, which they were all very grateful for.
"Lexa must have told them to." Lincoln said, after each village.
Clarke wasn't particularly enjoying the trip. For her, it was like walking with a bunch of strangers. It was a lot worse when they started talking about their memories.
"I remember when I walked in the tent and saw you two kissing. Then I said 'Bellarke for ever' and it got kind of gross so I walked out! I was happy for you though, Bellamy." Octavia smiled at the memory. Clarke sighed, wishing she could remember.
"So we like, loved each other?" She asked doubtfully.
"Don't sound so surprised." Bellamy said.
"Sorry," Clarke said. "But I just can't really imagine it!"
"Well, as soon as we get you the Ayowei everything will get back to the way it was." Bellamy said.
"If we get it." Lincoln muttered.
"We will get it." Bellamy said determinedly.
"If you say so." Lincoln said under his breath.
"Ahhhhh!" Clarke screamed as she dropped through a covered up hole in the ground.
"Clarke!" Bellamy called and rushed over.
"Grounders." Octavia pointed out the obvious, and went to help Bellamy.
Clarke was holding on to the top of the hole, trying desperately not to fall. There were spears beneath her, and Clarke definitely didn't want things to end like that. Bellamy grabbed onto her hands, and looked her in the eyes.
"I won't drop you." He said in a promising voice, and Clarke believed him. That was also the moment when she realised why she had loved him.
Bellamy and Octavia managed to pull her up.
"More traps like that will come." Lincoln said. "And as the journey goes on, they will only get worse."


"So what is this 'amazing' plan that I should trust you on?" Maya asked Jasper.
"Just follow me," Jasper explained. "Oh, and you'll also need to tell me which level they keep uniform and guns on."
"Level five." Maya said uncertainly. "We're not going to kill them all, are we?"
"Look, the more time we stand here talking the more we put Monty's life in danger. We have to get to level five." Jasper looked so desperate all Maya could do was nod and follow him. They got to level five safely, and Jasper looked for the same uniform that he saw the guards wearing. Finally, he found one that looked like it would fit.
"I'll never get away with it." Maya said to Jasper.
"I know." He said. "That's why your going to be the look out."
"Great. My favourite job." Maya said sarcastically.
"Look, firstly: I don't want you getting hurt. And secondly: like you said, you'll never pass for a guard."
"Look, firstly: everyone here knows everyone. And secondly: that means you'll never get away with it either."
"Monty and I have said several times that we would risk our lives for each other. So if it comes down to that, then at least I would be proving him right." Jasper looked Maya in the eye.
"Let's go and save him." He said.

A/N I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading. :)

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