Heda Lexa

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"How much further to Lexa?" Asked Clarke. She was dragging her feet in exhaustion.
"Not much longer now," Lincoln replied. "About another hour."
"An hour?!" Clarke gasped in disbelief.
"Just keep moving." Octavia said.
Suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes. Lincoln immediately stopped moving, and motioned for the others to do the same. The noise continued.
"What is it?" Clarke asked, accidentally speaking louder than intended.
"Shhhh!" Octavia looked angrily at her..
"Sorry." Clarke whispered.
Woosh! An arrow flew past, and narrowly missed Clarke's head. She screamed. More arrows came flying from more directions. It was only a matter of time until..............
"Argh!" Lincoln grunted as an arrow embedded itself into his shoulder.
"Lincoln!" Octavia cried. "Are you okay?" She rushed over, dodging the arrows that were still coming, but there were less now.
Suddenly about ten Grounders came into view.
"What are you doing near Polis?" One of them asked.
"We're here to speak to Heda." Lincoln replied. He had pulled the arrow out of his shoulder, and thankfully it hadn't got poison on it.
"Who's Heda?" Bellamy asked.
"The commander." Octavia surprised him with her knowledge.
"Why do you want to speak with Heda?" The grounder asked.
"Because he stole Clarke's memories, and we need the map to get to Ayowei." Bellamy said angrily. "Now just let us speak to Lexa. Please."
The grounders started speaking in a language no one except Lincoln understood.
"What a they saying?" Clarke asked.
"They're deciding on whether or not to let us speak to the Commander." Lincoln told them. The grounders turned to them.
"You can speak to her." They said. Octavia and Bellamy sighed with relief.
"Well then. Let's go." Lincoln said. He led the way forwards. The reaction of them entering Polis was unexpected to Lincoln.
"What?" He asked them. They just stood still. And stared at the tall building, the smaller ones, and the people there. Trading, laughing, talking, training. It was unlike anything they had seen before.
"This is incredible." Breathed Octavia. All Bellamy and Clarke could do was nod in agreement.
"So where's Lexa?" Bellamy asked as he finally drew his attention away.
"At the top of that tall building." Lincoln pointed.
"Great. More walking." Clarke said sarcastically.
Finally though, they made it to the top. Lincoln knocked carefully at the door.
"Come in." A voice said. They entered one by one.
"What are you doing here?" Lexa asked.
"We want the map to Ayowei." Bellamy said, getting straight to the point.
"And you want this because?" Lexa asked expectantly.
"To get back the memories that you stole." Bellamy said harshly.
"I'll give you the map. In return for one thing."
"We shouldn't have to give you anything!" Bellamy cried. "You've done enough!"
"Do you want the map or not?"
Bellamy said nothing. Only nodded.
"Bring back some of the Ayowei seeds. We can then plant some here, in Polis."
"Of course. We can do that." Octavia nodded. "Now where's the map?"
Lexa pulled a piece of paper out from under her chair.
"For safe keeping." She explained, when they looked confused. "Now go. As your leaving Polis, you'll be given enough supplies to get you there."
"What about the away back?" Clarke asked.
"You'll know what to do." Lexa gave a mysterious smile.
They thanked her, and left. When they left Polis they each got a big bag of supplies, just as Lexa had promised.
"Wow. How long is this journey!" Clarke asked.
"We don't know. No ones ever come back from it." Lincoln said.
"Well, off we go then. Let's walk to our deaths." Clarke sighed, and walked on. The others followed.
'This is going to be one long trip.' Bellamy thought to himself. 'Although the only good thing is I can spend time with Clarke, even if it's not the same Clarke that I love.'

A/N - I'm so so so sorry for not updating in a very long time! I just had no inspiration. But now I know exactly where this story is going. I hope you enjoyed! I'll be updating weekly now. Thanks!

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