The Final Chapter

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It had been eleven months since they had got the Ayowei. Lincoln and everyone else was rescued, and an Ayowei farm had been created. Most importantly though, Clarke got her memories back. As soon as she got them, she ran into Bellamy's arms and kissed him. This earned a cough from Abby, and a groan of disgust from Octavia. But they were happy for them.

Something else happened too.

"Arghhhhhh!!!" Clarke screamed and gasped in surprise.
"What is it?!" Bellamy came rushing over, and Clarke looked him in the eyes.
"I think my waters have broken!" She gasped, and even let out a tiny laugh.
"Abby? Abby!" Bellamy called, scared. Abby came rushing over, and helped Clarke get to the medical centre. Clarke lay down on a bed, and a midwife was called.
"It's okay." She told Clarke in a soothing voice. "Just breathe. Everything will be okay."
Bellamy's hand didn't leave Clarke's the whole time.

Nine hours later, the baby girl was born.
Clarke cried in delight and love for her baby.
"What do you want to call her?" Bellamy asked Clarke.
"Well, there is this name I've liked for ages..." Clarke began.
"Well, what is it?" Bellamy smirked.
"Charlotte." Clarke replied.
"I like that. Charlotte it is."

Clarke and Bellamy loved and cared for their child very much. But there was still one thing left for Bellamy to do. 

"Clarke, will you marry me?"

Hi everyone! So I know that was an abrupt and bad ending, but I really wanted them to have a child and to get married. I know that I haven't done a very good job on this story, but I really hope you liked it. Thank you so so so so so much for your votes, comments and for reading it. I really hope you have an amazing 2017 and many more good years. Thank you so much for being here.
From, Emily xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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