The club is crowded as we walk inside. Girls are dancing on the bars and people are making out on the dance floor. In the back there are people doing the best thing; drugs.
"Let's go." I say while taking Chloe's hand. We walk through the crowd to the back. "Hey ladies." A man around my age says. "Want one?" He hands a joint over. "Thanks." I say with a smile. As soon as the smoke fill's my longs i feel relaxed. Let the party begin.
We're all talking about the biggest bullshit when two tall guys sit down on the couch. "Wassup party people!" The blonde guy yelles. The guy with black hair sits next to me. He's looking at me with a blank look. I give him a small smile. "Want some?" I offer him my joint. He takes it without thanking me. Rude asshole.
"I'm Skylar." I offer him a hand shake. He looks at my hand like it's puke and then lookes at me again. "Nate" Nate? I've heard that name before. His blue eyes stare at me with a intimidating look. This is the first guy ever that gives me chills.
"Im Skylar." I already know who she is. She's kinda famous around the guys. She's wearing a white dress and white heels. The dress is short and you can almost see her boobs. I take another hit from the joint while looking at her. Behind that smile there's some serious shit going on. I can see a sad look in her eyes that she tries to hide."Nate." She probably already knows who i am. I'm a man that doesn't care about people. I've been killing people since i was sixteen. I killed my own dad when he tried to hurt my sister, the anger is still inside me and killing makes me feel good.
The girl gives me a small smile. Well guess she doesn't know who i am. "Wanna dance?" She asks. "I don't dance. But my friend does." I say while pointing at Matt.
"Okay sure." I walk over to his friend and take his hand. "What are you doing?" He asks with a confused look. "We're going to dance." I say while kissing his cheek."I have a present for you." He says while we're dancing. "What is it?" Please don't let it be a gun. Please. Instead he takes out a small package, inside of the package are two blue pills. "Yummy candy." I joke. He takes out one of the pills and places it in his mouth. He comes closer and starts kissing me. He transfers the pill over into my mouth.
When he pulls away he licks his lips and smiles. "Smooth moves you got playboy." I laugh. He puts another pill inside his mouth for himself. "Want something to drink?" He offers me. "If you don't drug it." I said sarcastic. "I'll see about that." He says with a wink.
A few minutes later he returns with two drinks in his hands. "Thanks. So your friend i not really the type that talks." If he won't tell me anything about himself i'll just have to ask his friend. "Juste between you and i." He says while getting closer. "He pees his pants when he talks to people." He says with a serious face. "What?" I ask while laughing. "No i'm kidding. He just doesn't like people." Well i already figured that out.
"Wow he doesn't even like the biggest whore of Las Vegas? Ouch." I say while holding my hand on my chest. "He most of the times fuckes girls like you. But guess your different." Hell yeah i'm different. He won't be able to handle me.
"Wanna fuck?" He asks casually. "Come on." I say while taking his hand. We walk to the bathroom and i open the door he quickly starts to unbuckle his belt and slides his dick out. He places me on the counter and slowly puts himself inside of me. "Fuck" He grunts. He starts thrusting inside of me faster. I almost jump trough the sealing when someone opens the door. "Oh shit." I quickly get of the counter and pull my dress down. "Oh-uhm-i-uhm- i'm sorry." The girl says with a red face. "It's fine." I give her a fake smile and leave the bathroom. "Well that was embarrassing." I giggle. This has happened to me over a hundred times. "Yeah it was let's go back to our friends." Good idea.
"So where have you two been?" Chloe asks me while wiggling her eyebrows. "Nowhere, can you give me a sigaret?" Chloe of course already knew where we had been she just did it to tease me like the bitch she is. As i lit up my sigaret i felt eyes on me. When i looked up i saw Nate staring at me. He's scary as fuck.
Two hours later the party is over. Matt and i say goodbye and Chloe and i walk outside.
I wasn't going to let Matt have sex with Skylar of course.
I took my other book down by the wat but i will upload it again when this book is done. I didn't want to write two books at a time and the idea of this book popped up in my head and i love storyline for this one!
Hope you like it?Love u!<33

𝐌𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠✔
Romance⚠️WARING⚠️ Drugs and Abuse will be mentioned in this book! "Drugs: Pill's, Heroïne, Cocaïne, Weed. But the biggest of them all: 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 Pain; We all know it. But nobody knows what to do with it. My way to forget? That's a easy question: Nate Adam...