The Boy

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"Please don't hurt me!" The little boy cries out. I'm stressing the fuck out, i'm not good with people let along children. The only people i like are Matt, Lia and Sky and that's it.

"I won't. Just come with me and stop crying. Please." Fuck i'm bad at this. I have no idea what i need to do and i want to call Sky.

Fuck it i'm going to call her i really need her. It's only 10 so she's still awake. "Hey Nate." She picks up. "Sky i need you to help me. Don't ask questions i'll send you the address." I tell her. "Uhm okay sure i'll be there in a few minutes." Thank god.


I walk to Chloe's car and drive away. I wonder why Nate want's to see me. What if something bad happened?

I arrive at the address. "What the fuck?" I mumble to myself. It's a big house that looks fucking hunted. I get out of the car and text Nate. A few seconds later Matt opens the door.

"Matt. What's going on?" I'm getting kinda scared. "Come with me." Matt takes my hand.

We walk down wooden stairs and enter a room. "What the fu- " A little boy is shaking on the floor. There are two dead bodies laying next to him.

"What did you do Nate." I feel my bottom lip shake. "There bad people Skylar i promise you it's for the best." He comes closer but i take a step back.

"Why did you need me?" What the fuck? Does he want me to clean up these bodies or what? "Can you help me with the kid?" He points at the little boy sitting in the corner of the room.

I can see in Nate's eyes that he really needs my help. "Okay sure, but after this we are going to have a talk" I tell him and he nods.

I walk towards the little kid and he looks up and me with red eyes from crying. "Hey buddy. I know that you're scared but i'm here to help you. I promise you i won't hurt you. Okay?" I give him my hand and he takes it.

"I want momma." He cries. Fuck i feel so sorry for him. "I know but it's going to be okay." That's all i can say but i wonder if it will. If the people laying on the floor are his parents than i wonder if it really will ever be okay.

I pick him up and leave the room. Nate looks at me with a blank look. "Thank you. What do i need to do with him Skylar? I have never dealed with kids before when i was on a mission." He does this often? Fuck.

"Bring him to the police. They'll know what to do." I hate to do this to the kid but we don't have an option. I want to give him to Matt but he won't let go. "Stay." Nate says. "Okay." I say with a soft voice.

I get in Chloe's car with the boy, Matt and Nate. I ride away from the creepy house and i feel like crying.

When we arrive at the police station i take the boy out of the car and walk inside. A tall man walk's towards me. "Are you the woman that called?" He looks at me and the boy. "Yes i am and this is thw child i was talking about" I force a smile on my face.

The man takes the boy from my arms and looks at me again. "I'll take it from here. Thank you for your help." I gives me a smile. "Yeah of course." I look at the boy. I feel so sorry for him.

I walk back to the car and get in. "What the fuck happened?" I ask Nate while crying.


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