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As i'm getting ready for the party Nate calls me. "Hey stranger." I pick up the phone. "Hey i'm taking you and Chloe to the party." He says. "Okay."

"I'll be there in twenty minutes if that's okay?" He asks. "Yeah sure. Bye." I hang up.

I take my purse and go downstairs. "Nate picks us up." I tell Chloe. "Okay. Lia will be coming to." She says. "Okay great." I sit down on the couch.

A few minutes later the door bell rings and i open it. "Hey." I smile at him. He takes my hand and we walk to his car.

He opens the passenger door for me and i get in. "So this is loooove." Matt sings. "Shut up asshole." I laugh and Nate gets in. "Sky put on some music." Chloe says and i turn on the radio.

"No role models and I'm here right now.
No role models to speak of
Searchin' through my memory, my memory
I couldn't find one
Last night I was gettin' my feet rubbed
By the baddest bitch, not Trina, but I swear to God
This bitch will make you call your girl up and tell her "Hey, what's good?" Chloe and i sing.

Nate looks at my like i'm a psycho person and i start laughing. "Don't be boring i know you know this song." I say to him and he chuckles. "Fuck you i'm not boring." He rolls his eyes. "You really hurt my feelings Nate." I wipe  a fake tear away.

We arrive at the party and walk inside. "Let's dance." I take Nate's hand and he rolls his eyes.

We're dancing on the song and have not looked away from each other's eyes. The music isn't slow but we don't care. I put my head on his chest.

I can hear his heart beat and somehow it gives me peace.

All of the sudden i'm being spinned around and he lifts me up when i return back to him. "Hi." I smile at him. "Hey." He looks at me.

We look at each other without saying anything and he starts kissing me. Our tongues are dancing together and i don't care that everyone can see it.

They can enjoy the free show.

"Slut!" Someone yells and i pull away. When i look around i can see everyone looking at us. It reminds me of my dad.

Some people are taking pictures and when i see why, tears start filling my eyes. The strap of my dress has snapped of and my whole right boob is exposed.

"Skylar. Look at me." Nate takes my face in his hands. "Fuck." I try to catch my breath. "It's alright." He takes of his shirt and pulls it over my head. "Thank you." I say while looking around. People are laughing and calling me names. "I wanna leave." I look at Nate. "I know. Let's go." He takes my hand.


"Chloe is going home with Liz." Nate says. And i nod. I lay down in bed and Nate walks away. "Wait." I say and he turns around. "Can you stay?" I ask him and he lays down next to me.

"I can't stay the whole night. I have work to do." He pulls me closer. "Okay. Can you stay till i fall asleep?" I put my head on his chest. "Okay." He places a kiss on my head.

A few minutes later i fall asleep.


"Have you found him?" I ask Isaak. "Yes boss. His name is Travis Wards, i have his location. Do we leave now?" He informs me. "Mhm." I answer.

"So why did you want me to find him?" Isaak asks. "He has zero respect for woman and i want to teach him a lesson." I explain.

The fact that he called Skylar a slut made me so fucking angry and when i'm angry i kill, but if Skylar find's out i killed him she'll get mad so i wont.

We arrive at the house and i get out. I can see a woman walking out of the house. She's wearing a short red leather dress and her mascara is all over her cheeks. "Fucking bastard." I mumble to myself.

I open the door and walk inside. "Bitch i already told you to lea-" He walks into the room. Naked.

"Surprise." A fist collides with his cheek. "Dude!" He yells. "Shut up." I tackle him. "Tie him up." I tell Isaak.

"Do you have a mom?" I ask him. "Yes." He spits out some blood. "Wow i bet she's very proud of you." I lift up his chin.

"Fuck you." He tries to spit in my face but fails. "Hmm big mistake." I take out my knife and stab it in his shoulder. "This was a warning. Next time your dead." I walk away.


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