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I wake up with the sight of a fucking god laying next to me. Even when he's asleep he looks gorgeous.

"Are you watching me?" He asks and i scream. "Fuck you scared me." I cover my face with my hands. "Sorry." He smirks.

"You have that support thing today right?" He asks. I am really excited to go because i genuinely want to change myself. "Yea i need to go in like a hour." I look at the time. "Okay." He kisses my hand.

"I heard there's a party tonight. Are you going?" I ask him. "Are you?" He asks me. "Yes i am." I smile at him.

"Nate who the fu- Skylar?" Matt walks in. "Hey Matt." I smile at him. His face turns red. "Y-y- boob." He turns around and i start laughing.
"Matt! It's just a boob no need to be shy big boy." I laugh.

"Put on some clothes miss Collins i'm not joking." Matt points a finger at me. "Uhg but it's so hot." I get up and Matt screams. "Pussy!" He turns around again and i can't stop laughing, my god even Nate is laughing.

I honestly don't give a shit about Matt seeing me naked, all my best friends can see me naked. "Can you give me my underwear?" I point at my underwear laying on the ground. "I would love to." He picks it up and walks to me with his hand covering his eyes.

I look at Nate with a sheepish smile and he nods. I take Matt's hand and he starts running away. I'm now running after him completely naked. "Oh my fuck Sky get away." He screams while running and i laugh.


I arrive at the support group and take a deep breath. "You got this Sky." I say to myself. "Yes you do." A guy says while standing besides me.

I look at him with a smile. "Didn't think anyone was here." I giggle. "It's cool. I'm Liam." He gives me a smile. "Hi Liam. I'm Skylar." I shake his hand.


"Hi i'm Skylar and i'm a addict." I tell the group. "Hi Skylar. Tell us your story." Miranda says. Here it goes.

"Well, i started using drugs when i was sixteen. My dad used to beat me up because my mom died so i used drugs to deal with the pain. One day i found out my brother did some horrible things to a girl. So i took a pill but the pain wouldn't go away so i took more and a few hours later i was in the hospital fighting for my life." I explain.

"Thank you for sharing you story with us Skylar. I know it takes a lot to open up about these kind of things." Miranda smiles at me and i nod. Im really proud of myself for sharing my story with people. "Yeah." I smile.

"You want to go next?" Miranda asks Liam and he nods. "I'm Liam and i'm an addict. When i was fourteen my mom and dad left me and my sister. She was older than me and never home so i started hanging out with the wrong people. I got addicted really fast and i couldn't stop."

"I had an overdose two times and the doctor's honestly don't know how i'm still alive." He looks down.

"Thank you for sharing your story with us Liam." Miranda gives him a smile.


I get inside the house and Chloe gives me a look. "Oh i know what happened. You look as bright as the sun." She wiggles her eyebrows. "It was fucking crazy Chlo." I laugh.

Last night was amazing.


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