Ice Cream

210 8 1

In this chapter rape will be mentioned!


I'm meeting Nate in a hour and i'm going to take a shower before getting ready. I'm still confused about everything that happened yesterday but we'll see how today's gonna go.

I step out of the shower and wrap my hair in a towel. I put on a purple dress because it's getting hotter outside. I let my hair air dry and put on some light makeup. I take my purse and leave trough the front door.

Nate is standing against his car. He's wearing a black shirt with black ripped jeans. His chain is shimmering in the sunlight. He opens the passenger door for me to get in and walks to his side.

One hand is on the steering wheel and the other is resting on his leg. The music is loud and he probably drives way to fast but he doesn't care.

When we arrive he opens my door and i get out. "Thanks." I smile at him. We walk into the shopping mall and when i see the ice cream shop i start smiling like a little girl. I take Nate's hand and walk into the shop.

"What would you guys like to order?" The ice cream guy asks. "Cookie's n' cream please." I look at Nate and he looks back at me. "You need to say what you want to order." He stares at me with a blank look. This dude has got to be kidding me. "He would like the same." I tell the guy behind the counter and give him a smile.

We're eating our ice cream and talk about all kinds of stuff or at least i talk and Nate listens. "Why do you and James not like each other anymore?" I've been dying to know and i can't take it anymore.

"I don't want to talk shit about your brother you should ask him." By the time i would be seeing James again i would already forget it. "I wanna hear it from you Nate." He looks up at me. "Okay. Well there was a girl i was dating and he uhm-he did some things to her. Without her permission." What? I never thought that my own brother was like that.

"What did he do to her." Please don't let it be to bad. "Rape her." No no no. I feel so fucking sick right now. I stand up and run to the bathroom i make it just in time. I puke in the toilet and tears roll over my cheeks. I can't believe that my brother raped someone. I hear the bathroom door open and look up.

"Jezus fuck Sky." Nate walks to me and sits down. I rest my head on his shoulder and cry. "Calm down Skylar." He brushes my hair with his hand.

"How could he do something like that Nate?" I look up at him. "I don't know. We had a fight and two days later the girl came to my house and told me everything that had happened. I didn't believe it at first but James told me it was true." He wipes a tear away from my cheek.

"How am i going to tell Chloe?" Chloe like's him so much and she will be broken when i tell her. "Do you want me to be there when you tell her?" He asks. It's crazy that such a big asshole can be so sweet. "No i need to do it alone but thank you." He gives me a slight smile. "Let's go my ass is hurting because of this floor." He says while getting up and i let out a small laugh.

When we arrive back home Nate opens my door and takes my hand. "Good luck." He gives me a kiss on my cheek. What the fuck. My heart. It feels wierd. Help me. "Thank you. I'll call you. Okay?"

"Okay." He gets in his car and drives away.

"Chloe, we need to talk." I walk into her room. She looks up at me in confusion. "Uhm okay what is it?"

"James he uhm, fuck. H-he raped someone. That's the reason Nate doesn't like him." She looks at me in shock and comes running towards me for a hug. "Oh my god Skylar. Are you okay?" She takes my face in her hands. "No, but i will be. It just makes me so fucking sick. Do you still have some pills?" I know it's wrong but i need it.

"Skylar pills aren't going to make it better." She shakes her head. "Yes they will." I walk past her and open her drawer she tries to stop me but she's to late. "Skylar." She cries. "I can't take it anymore Chloe." I cry out. "I know come here." She holds me tight. I place my head in her neck and cry. "Good, let everything out Sky."


I feel so sorry for Skylar. Her whole life is fucked up and she's only nineteen. I don't blame her for using drugs. I get why she does it but it just isn't right and deep down she knows that if she doesn't stop it will eventually kill her. Sometimes i think that's the reason she does it; she just wants everything to be over.

It hurts me so fucking much to see her like this but there's nothing i can do to stop her and it hurts me. It sucks for me to hear that the guy i like is a rapist but for her it's a hundred times more painful. Her brother was her biggest inspiration.

James is fucking disgusting.

If someone ever does something to you without your permission talk about it!!

Im always here <33

Love u!<33

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