"Nate Adams?" A doctor walks into my room. "Yes." I sit up in my bed. "Skylar Collins surgery went well and you can visit her. She isn't awake but we all hope she'll make it." She says.
"Can you bring her too my room? There's still a spot." I ask. It hurts to walk and i want her close to me. "Yes we can do that." She says and turns around.
A few minutes later they walk inside with Skylar's bed. There are hanging cables around ber bed and i already know she'll be complaining about them when she wakes up.
"Thank you." I thank the doctors and get up to walk to her bed.
She doesn't look good. Her skin is pale wich is not good. She usually has a golden skin.
She looks worse than last time and i'm worried she won't make it. A tear escapes my eye. What the fuck since when do i cry? "Baby wake up." I place a kiss on her forehead.
"Nate?" Chloe and Liz walk into the room. "She's here." I say and they walk to her bed. They both take a seat and Chloe hold's Skylar's hand.
"Sky i know you can hear us, i'm not going to force you to wake up because you can't choose that, i think. But please just fight as hard as possible. I know you're doing that already and i'm so super proud of you." Liz says while crying.
"She'll wake up. I know she will." Chloe try's to convince herself. "Right?" She looks up at me. "She's strong. She'll fight." I say.
"Visiting hour is over." The nurse says to Chloe, Liz and Matt. "Okay. Nate if she wakes up you call me." Chloe says. "I will." I reassure her. "Thanks bye." She say before she leaves the room she gives Skylar a kiss on her forehead.
"Nate come on you need to eat." The nurse gives me a wheelchair. "I can walk." I push it away and start walking to the dining area.
The room is big and on the left side you can get food. I'm standing in the line to get food when someone touches me.
"What the fuck man." When i turn around a bald guy is standing there with a smile. "Sorry big guy." He touches me again. "Stop it i'll fucking kill you." I say. "I'm already death." He points at his head and smiles.
"Dude your fucking crazy. Nate Adams." I say and he looks in shock. "Sup killer i'm Chase." He shakes my hand. "Why are you here?" He asks. "Got shot and my girlfriend is in here." I explain.
"Why's she here?" He takes a plate of food. "She uhm she thought i was dead and in the past she used drugs and she. Again." I explain. "She's dating you. She's strong. I'll pray for her man." He pat's my shoulder. "Thanks." I sit down at a table.
"How long have you been sick?" I ask him. "Two years." He says. "But i'll die soon. Can't pay the chemo anymore." He looks down at his hands. He's still young and doesn't deserve all of this. "And surgery?" I ask. "Surgery? Wow. That would save my life, but it's to expensive." He says.
"I'll pay it." I say. Skylar has changed me and it's kinda scares me. "Dude are you serious." His lip starts shaking. "Yeah." I nod. "Fuck. I don't know how to thank you man." A tear roll's down his cheek. "Stay alive." I say and he laughs. "I will." He hugs me.
"I hope your girl will make it. Here's my number for when you need something and call me when she wakes up." He hands me his phone. "Yeah i hope so too." I type my phone number on his phone.
"I have to go to my room for medicine but it was nice to meet you." He says. "Yeah and i'll call you." I wave him goodbye.
I come back in the room and everything is still the same. "Goodnight." I kiss Skylar on her cheek and lay down in bed.

𝐌𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠✔
Roman d'amour⚠️WARING⚠️ Drugs and Abuse will be mentioned in this book! "Drugs: Pill's, Heroïne, Cocaïne, Weed. But the biggest of them all: 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 Pain; We all know it. But nobody knows what to do with it. My way to forget? That's a easy question: Nate Adam...