1. Proposal

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Gurnam, marry me!

The banner was held high above, thanks to my tall genes and long hands. High enough to catch his attention.

But I was failing miserably just because I was getting lost in his voice, lost enough to make me forget that I was holding something. If not for the ache on my hands, I would've forgot long ago.

Having a long time crush on a single celebrity isn't easy, is it? But I have conquered that impossible.

Long enough to name it as love. You can't call it obsession in any manner. Because I'm not that obsessed that I'll act like crazy if he marries someone else.

But the thing is, why should I hope for that? I'm going to wish that he has to become my husband in each and every Gurudwara and temple.

I have calculated and checked each aspect that I can marry him. He compliments my 5'7 frame, I can wear heels. A proper Sikh, my parents will agree.

I need only one thing, him recognizing me. And I not be someone nonexistent in his world. Him knowing that there is a girl who is a wholehearted fan of him since long time also dreaming her life ahead with him.

Well, that's the biggest requirement.

If that thing is fulfilled, I guess it won't take long for him to fall for my charms. Not overconfident, just charming. Very. As I am.

I still am not sure when that is going to happen though. I want that to happen soon. Really soon.

Just then his eyes fell on me? Maybe? Maybe not? God! Please make it a Maybe.

He jumped from the stage, his mic still on his hands. He looked so handsome walking towards my direction.

Straight from the modeling camp. Was what first striked my mind.

He was looking devilishly handsome with that slight smirk that was plastered on his face.

With every step he was taking towards me, accelerated my heartbeat more each time.

The time he knelt on his knee in front of me, the whole world stopped. The heart doing its work faster than its normal pace.

I didn't even do anything, it just happened.





"Kullu" the scream was loud and high pitched enough to make me realize that it was my mom, not her to be son-in-law.

"Mom...just five more minutes." Just let me get proper proposal by your son-in-law. The latter was unsaid as I knew, I'll get beaten up if I said that.

"Wake up, Kullu. Just get ready, we are expected to be somewhere today. Papa ji is asking you to be ready on time."
She said and I sighed.

Afterall, these dreams are becoming more or less frequent and not in any of them, not even a single one. I. Am. Able. To. Even. Get. A. Proposal. Marriage. Was. Just. Far. From. Near.

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