5. Daughter

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A little more elaborated flashback...
Because I want to...
It's pleasure knowing you...


We landed at the airport. Smiling, Akshay looked at me and I got mesmerized by the smile. Those dimples are God's gift for me seeing all of my sufferings in search for a good life partner. Well, honestly simping hard over Gurnam.

So, he has destined me with a man better than Gurnam. No wonder that heartless celeb didn't notice me.

He is way too good for me. Like aspiring CEO, handsome as hell. He is so kind and mature. Perfect husband material.

I wonder if I do really deserve him. Everytime he calls me beautiful, I hope that I really am. I really don't want to lose a man like him.

If someone says that he killed a mosquito, it'll be a good joke. He is so pure.

Soon we were at his apartment, after we took the car his company has previously arranged. The city of Seoul is undoubtedly beautiful. The car view gave the proof.

"How is it?" He asked as we entered the apartment.

"Beautiful. Each and every interiors are perfectly at their place and the most important thing. The balcony has plants." I said scanning the whole apartment.

"You even managed to put Cascabela thevetia on the vase." I smiled, knowing he didn't get what I said. It'll be fun to tease him.

"I know Yellow Oleander is one of your favourites."

"You got my botanical reference?" I gasped as he was the first person apart from my classmates who thought that I wasn't weird using those scientific names.

"I learnt them for you, my dear." And I smiled.

We visited few beautiful sites and the Han river. He always makes time for me despite his busy schedule. And they are always pre-planned, he always asks for my opinions. So cute.

Though I expect surprises now and then and get them too. But when it comes to traveling, he says it requires mutual understanding not to spoil the mood afterwards.

I'm so lucky to have him.

He is also a man of manners I must say. Always maintaining a considerable amount of distance.

Luckily, today was Sunday and we are going to the amusement park.

I wore hoodie and flared jeans which he gifted me saying that he doesn't want others to look at my beauty.

Or else, he'll have to snap a head or few. He added while giving the clothes to me. Such a funny guy he is. Always cracking jokes.

We enjoyed each and every ride which predominantly wasn't in my favour. I ended up feeling nauseous and finally vomiting ruining my clothes in the process.

My mood was literally off as I ruined the date of ours, I shouldn't have ignored my fears of ride.

"Now what?" I sighed.

"New clothes, my dear." He said smiling which lifted my mood a little bit.

We made our way to the small boutique located within the amusement park.

I grabbed whatever clothes there was present in there.

The dress was quite revealing my curves but I had no other options as the rest of the clothes there were not suitable for my body type.

The dress was quite revealing my curves but I had no other options as the rest of the clothes there were not suitable for my body type

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I heard him taking a sharp breath when I came out of the dressing that. I somehow felt my cheeks warming up.

"There isn't any other dress?" He asked the staff. To which she shook head in no. He sighed shaking his head.

"Am I looking bad?" I asked feeling bad.

"Nah! You are looking too sexy to be honest and I feel possessive all of a sudden." He said making me blush.

"Then I should wear it." I said, winked and walked off paying the bill. That was so bold of me that moment.

He caught me in a while. Curse those long legs. They make everything faster for this guy.

Suddenly, I felt a fabric touching my shoulders. Looking behind I saw him placing his coat over me.

"You'll catch cold." He said.

Aww...he is so caring.

Soon, we were into the restaurant we made reservation in. Though the food was appetizing but the vegetarian menu was limited. Contrasting the taste of us both. I mentally made a note to cook something delicious for us as we get home. Because this wasn't going to fill our stomachs.

As we were paying the bill. I noticed a little girl playing with the decorations standing on the chair at the corner of the reception.

The chair was about to fall. Luckily, I caught the girl. Her parents thanked me and I made quite a good bond with the child.

"You're so pretty and kind." A voice came from behind. Turning I was witnessed by a very handsome man. Undoubtedly, as they are in the Korean dramas.

"Are you single?" He asked making me flustered.

"No- nope, he is my fiance." I pointed out Akshay as he was paying the bill.

"Bad luck but can I get a hug instead. " It was an awkward request but I agreed giving him a side hug.

Soon, we left the restaurant taking a stroll in the garden nearby the restaurant.

Naturally, while having the taste of ice cream.

" I want to have a daughter after marriage." I said blushing and the look spread across his face wasn't anywhere near stopping my blush.

Instead the shade was getting darker thanks to that smirk.


Another update
Because why not...



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