8. Liar

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Hey! alfiya2203Thanks for giving this a shot

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Hey! alfiya2203
Thanks for giving this a shot...

And special thanks to lilmeow112
Thank you so much for waiting...

P.s. I'm finally done editing it
Nothing much has changed though except for few shocks like the female lead is dead 🤡 so, check the previous chapters once again if you're interested or you can totally skip it...


He is disastrous. If earlier I was not able to sleep because of my loneliness, I now am not able to sleep because of all the noises that comes from my next door neighbor.

He is a liar and that has no doubt. He rated himself 15 on the disastrous scale of 1 to 10 but he had hidden the zero from the rating.

On the scale of 1 to 10 he is 150. Every now and then he was breaking something which continued till midnight. He probably slept after that, thank God!

After the small talk we shared, he went to continue his "settling" things on places which literally wasn't settling but breaking. I wonder how much fortune that'll cost him to replace those articles.

I got to close my eyes after sometime the noises stopped. Obviously, with the marks of few incoherent thoughts which weren't in my control.

Thinking, how my parents reacted when they heard that lie formed by him. I don't know. That's what I hate the most. They would have been devastated, crying mess.

I swear to God! One chance to make this custard-with-barium-instead-of-copper suffer and I'll gladly make his way to hell, more importantly I can drag him to hell if it requires.

I fluttered open my eyes as the sunlight made it's way inside. Today, it was brighter than before. Calming my nerves.

"Good morning." I said leaning closer to the wall but there was no response. Guess, the God of destruction isn't up yet.

Sliding my feet into the slippers, I got out of the bed. Removed the curtains a bit more to let the sunlight evade my privacy a little more.

I sat down on the floor to think for few minutes. Atleast, thanks to the adventures going in my life, my earlier ritual of firstly verifying my identity after waking up was gone.

There were a lot of questions going on in my mind. Why Akshay was doing this? Didn't he love me? Was that all fake? Is he even human? Why was I so blind?

He surely had given me trust issues. Maybe I'll think about hundred times before falling for someone again. Or that is the question of further action. What I feel now is that I doubt I'll be able to fall for someone again, not even Gurnam that is.

Sulking again was going to take me nowhere though. Moreover, I needed food as my stomach was growling in hunger. I needed to survive if I wanted to escape.

Picking my thoughts together, I stood up to take a nice shower. After which I entered the kitchen to make myself something edible.

The refrigerator is always full, not going to lie but I think my appetite flunks by knowing the person behind stocking it full. Ignoring that fact, I think I should really scratch the pocket of that psycho for giving me so much trauma.

It can be considered as a revenge.



I hate my childish behavior sometimes.
Can't help it when I'm hungry though.

After filling my stomach with food, cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes I decided to clean the apartment a little bit as I didn't have anything productive to do anyways.

Atleast, I'll kill the pathogens. Can I put those on the psycho? Would they be strong enough to put him down for few days?

I don't know.

But I really do wanna know.

Typical human instinct.

As I finished cleaning the living area, the doorbell rang. I sighed frustratingly.
I didn't know how to open the door dammit. Don't rub salt on the wounds that are still fresh. I would have flew away if I knew how to open that damn wooden object.

Surprisingly enough, the door opened revealing a man dressed in all black from head to toe. Gosh! His nails were also painted in black.

He seemed bluff. He fixed his eyes on me as if studying something intently. His eyes roamed around the house for few time.

Then he finally broke his silence, " Mr. Sharma sent these for you."

The conversation exchanged was one way and short. He brought in a box that seemed heavy. Then he bowed to someone at the door locking the door.

I was observing everything.

Were there bodyguard outside? Might be.

Oblivious of what Akshay sent me, I opened the box with the help of the knife I brought from the kitchen on the way.

It revealed few books and stationaries. I remembered what he said yesterday.

Atleast, I found what I can do to kill my time until I escape.

I smiled as I continued to clean the apartment. Tasks shouldn't be left undone.


There's a lot going on...
Bodyguard even when the apartment is caged? Absurd!
A sudden man in black?
Joonie as usual breaking things...

I just hope that everything ends well...

Or not
I don't know ...

I'm devil



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