2. Dimples

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During the whole trip, only one thing was going on my mind. What am I supposed to do?

Should I slap him the moment I see him? ... that'll be rude

Should I step on his shoes with my heels? ... that'll be cruel

This and that, I was having all those thoughts that may make him say no but instead will definitely prove me a psycho.

So, there was always no for each and every idea as I have quiet a decent life to live ahead with the love of my life.



I really, really don't want to marry anyone else other than Gurnam. And keeping the fact I being non-existent in his world other than being a fan, I really need to get out of this arranged marriage crisis now.

The ride took about an hour as the Sharma's live in the outskirt area of the city. No doubt, the house (mansion actually) is astonishingly pretty.

Lord Ganesha was present in the entrance, the statue was huge. The carvings and sculpture was indeed great that could be recognized from a decent distance.

Varieties of flowers, planted across the fountain as well along the path towards the entrance. They were surely tempting.

Be it
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Clitoria ternatea
Tagetes patula

You're not here to appreciate those flowers and call them by botanical names just to confuse me more than it already is, you dimwitted girl.

Though really wanting to take pics and pin them on my picture diary along with their botanical names, I had to choose no as an answer. I needed to get out of this situation first, then might also work on controlling this weird educational factor of mine.

Might it not be the first time in history that a girl's family is visiting first but it was the first time for me. I didn't want to get married, definitely not this soon. But all I could do was to sulk inside my mind, unless I was introduced to the other victim?

I do know that the possibility of me being a wife of Gurnam is once in a million. I'm aware of the reality. That's harsh but the truth.

But surely, I do know that I want to marry someone who is capable of making my heart do summersaults, giving my stomach butterflies and even giving me blushes in his absence.

I know that I am allowed to reject the man I'll be meeting soon enough, but I want him to reject me as well. So, that my parents wouldn't be embarrassed. I don't want to be a disappointment.

Cozy feeling, elegant decor, blissful smell greeted me as I entered the house. Beautiful. Homely. Beautifully homely.

The members of the house were already present in the living room, as of already aware they were expecting our visit. Who am I kidding? Of course they were.

We took our place comfortably (not me) on the couch. The elders were having their sort of conversation which obviously, I wasn't getting along with as my mind was drifting somewhere else.

Taking a sip of water and again getting busy on fidgeting my fingers. This was all I was aware of to be doing. If we exclude my unfaithful smile and nodding that I was presenting in between to make them aware that I was still the part of the conversation going on.

I only had the thought of meeting the CEO Mr. Akshay Sharma and getting rid of every bit of annoyance I was feeling, by confessing to him, asking for his help.

For a split of second, the thought of kneeling in front of my parent's wishes and marry the man also crossed my mind. He was well off, might be handsome as well and more importantly, my father also thought of him as a good choice for me.

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