17. India

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Few months passed since she arrived back to her home. Her parents cried the eyes out when they saw her. They were happy.

Cursed the hell out of their ex-to-be son in law. Made sure he received punishment.

Akshay was sentenced life imprisonment by the courts of both countries. Though he was kept back at South Korea.

Her life started to go back on track. Ex-best friend apologized and left her life which she was thankful for.

Back to the college completing her graduation. Making new friends started. She was free.

But she cried. As she missed a particular man.

Though she was in Contact of Jin. He told her about the situation there , now and then.

Bell putting the phone on speaker usually.

Hoseok and Yoongi saying they missed her. Though she spent a few days at their home during the trail period , she felt like they spent the most of their life together.

Jungkook told her about his brother Taehyung and she felt guilty because she was somehow responsible.

But later she was convinced by the former that she was not at fault. Not at all.

She avoided Namjoon Though. She fell for him. She knew he hated her.

That's the only void that she felt in her life.

How much she missed him.

She saw his dimples once and was mesmerized. He deserved better she thought.

On the evening, as usual at her studying time,  her phone buzzed.

- What's up girl?

Jin asked through the phone.

- Everything's fine.

And as usual their conversation went on. With Yoongi and Hobi bickering in between and telling her how much they missed her.

- You love him don't you?

Jin asked leaving her speechless at last. She hurried to end the conversation.

- Mom is calling me.

- Kulwinder don't avoid the question.

- Yes ! I do...

She shouted before cutting the call and breaking down into sobs.

Little did she know that someone else smiled at the other end of the call.


Last chapter is on the way...



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