11. Opposite

30 4 11

decided to give an update , because why not?



- So, who is in your family?

I asked my newly appointed housekeeper with the hope to start a conversation.

- I, my wife, my brother and my two sons.

- You really don't look like that you're a father.

I whispered out loud unknowingly but apparently I was stating the truth. He was gorgeous but I hope he isn't rude.

- I know I'm too handsome.

Well, he's just confident.

- Yeah! You sure are. Can't debate on that. So, how's your wife and your kids?

- She's sweet, chaotic and horny.

I coughed as he said the latter part.

- Was that embarrasing? Sorry. She's just like that. Her name's Bell [Heyo! Bells ;) ]

It was but I guess he just loves his wife for not to boast about her in every way he can. He must be a good husband.

- And She's pretty. More than me but I don't tell her about that otherwise she'll worship my handsome face less.

I giggled at all the comments he made. He is a very nice human. No idea how he came into radar of the devil.

- What about your kids?

- Oh! They are real pain in the arse. One is too energetic and one is too lazy.

- It must be fun to have them around.

- Well, it is. Hoseok always lightens up the mood and Yoongi is always winning the argument going on between me and my wife.

- That's good.... wait, what? How's he winning the argument?

He laughed as I questioned him with probably confused look. His laugh is contagious. Probably because it sounds like windshield wipers.

- Well, you know he's the Savage one. He comments something too genius and I and my wife make up laughing to his comments.

- That's so sweet. He must care about you a lot.

- Maybe, but hey! How about you? Who's in your family?

- I and my parents.

- Then Akshay?

I fell silent for a few moments.

- Oh! He's my to be husband.

I said not knowing if I  can entirely trust this man.


Missed me?

I did...

Will be updating presently...

I need to finish this ff...

Very soon...

Please don't mind if the updates get shorter...

Till then



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