16. Arrested

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Jungkook fired the bullet without even giving a second thought because he didn't want to lose one more friend because of that bastard.

The man winced in pain as he was hit on the shoulder, the knife falling beside him.

Namjoon took in charge as he saw the man lose control and started to beat him out mercilessly.

- He was my brother. Dammit. I lost him because of your stupid nature.

NamJoon stated in between the punches as he made them harder. He was sobbing in between as  the smile of his brother flashed in from of his eyes.

Jungkook wanted to stop him but Jin stopped him.

He knew he needed to let go his anger.

He felt helpless.

So did she. Kulwinder's heart ached looking at the clumsy neighbor in that situation when it was the very first time  she met him.

She knew that he lied to her. She probably also sensed that he didn't care for her at all from the very beginning knowing how he set up all this. Maybe he did all this thing and all those talks just to get his revenge.

That mysterious bodyguard turned out to be a cop. That handsome housekeeper turned out to be his friend.

Everything was evident in front of her eyes. She wasn't an idiot.

But she could ignore him. He didn't break her trust. Rather he kept it. He protected her. Unknowingly or knowingly,  didn't matter.

His pain was more than her pain of suffering. So, she forgave him from heart. Rather she was thankful to him for accompanying her, even if it was a facade. All an act.

But one thing she feared, what if he hated her? Blamed her. Because that was the last thing she could accept in her already chaotic life.

Because from the moment she sensed the feeling of protection in his eyes when he broke the door, she knew....

He was her paradise.

Namjoon stopped as he was satisfied from the condition he put the male into.

He stepped back. Jungkook arrested him and sent him to the Jail with the help of his colleagues.

- You ok?

NamJoon asked as he approached her.
She nodded.

And the silence prevailed.

- Can you send me back to India?

She asked to Jungkook in hope that she can avoid the hatred he might have cultivated for her in his heart.

Because it hurts more than being in a cage when one knows that the one you love hates you more.


Am I being too fast?

But I hope this make sense...

Or least it could do is to touch your heart...

I really suck at writing long chapters....

Ly 💙💙💙

Ly 💙💙💙

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