7. Desperate

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I'm happy that My Omegle Stranger finally became the part of someone's reread...
Thanks AarthiUS for that notification.

And guys check out Newsummergirl , she is such a sweetheart, and so is her KNJ ff Destiny! I'm truly in love with the storyline. Jin is Moon there too.


I sat down locking the door, clutching my knees tightly. I was not going to cry, no matter how hard it was, but I did. I cried. I was dead. No wonder they weren't searching for me.

But, I am not going to let him seen miserable state. And I didn't. I didn't cry in front of him. I didn't break in front of him.

After sometime, I heard the movements made in the front door. Indicating he left.

He left.


Only if he left for forever, from my life.

I stood up, taking heavy steps towards the balcony. Wiping the dried tears. They were dead already. I just performed the formality.

The balcony was locked, still the moon was visible. I felt like that was enough for me for the time being.

The night was dark but it was beautiful. The slow movements of leaves telling that the breeze would have felt amazing on skin. I needed that.

I was becoming greedy.

The stars were twinkling at their own pace and so was the moon. It was full moon today. I wanted to enjoy looking at the sky by the roof.

I am feeling the greed to break through.

Were my parents looking at the same? Were they missing me? Which star was I in their eyes? Was I the Sirius? Were they thinking of me as constellation? Did I brighten up their life while I was alive?

Dammit! I'm alive.



Suddenly, the cracking sounds made me alert. Was he back? I guess no, he is dedicated to his work schedule.

Was it some thief? No idea. But it can be.

I grabbed the glass vase that was beside me. Grasping it tightly, I made my way towards the living room. I know that's risky but I got nothing to lose.

Not even this worthless life, where I was caged. Probably dead.

But to my surprise, no one was there. I huffed a breath and went back to my room. The noises intensified as soon as I entered.

As I was moving towards my bed, the voices grew more. I made my way towards the head of the bed. Plugging my ears to the wall. They surely were coming from the house next door.

The sounds were indeed coming from there. I was positive about that.

"Can't they just shut the hell up? I need at least silence in my life." I whisper yelled.


"Sorry miss." The voice made me startled. It was deep and magnetic. Drawing it towards itself.

"A ghost-? " 

"Not a ghost but I kind of made a hole on the wall we share and I can hear you complaining too. Not going to lie, you have a sweet voice, even when you yell. "

Out of every thing he blabbered, I only focused on one . He freaking created a hole in a highly strong concerted wall?

I searched for that hole out of curiosity. Looking up and down.

The hole was quite big. Enough for my fist to enter. But was in the place I can't make my hands to enter. Behind the bed stand.

But curiosity took the best out of me. I was not able to stop myself from asking him.

"How disastrous are you?" I asked amused by his power. This needed to be solved. It was one of the biggest mystery of the universe for me right now.

Not that I got anything special to do.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, I'll give myself 15."

And I laughed. It was genuine. I laughed after so much time. He was brutally honest and aware of his actions.

"And how did you create that hole?" I asked curiously, maybe even more because I was talking someone after so much time. I was having a normal conversation.

"I was putting on the nails for the shelf. I was losing patience, so I just applied little more force which turned out to be too much." He said. Embarrassment could be sensed on his voice.

"That's great. Thanks." I smiled while stating.

"You're not mad?" He asked maybe amused. The emotions can be felt on the voice.

"Why would I?" I asked.

"I invaded your privacy. Aish! I forgot that. I'll get the wall fixed by tomorrow."

"Please don't." I could feel desperation on my voice. I wanted someone to talk.

"Ohhh-k I- I won't. Bet hey! It's Kim Namjun on this side." He said introducing himself and I smiled at his childish behavior.

"Kulwinder Kaur on the other side."




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