10. Hatred

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It has been few weeks since I've been the neighbor of the girl. She seems nice. Is sweet but is afraid as well.

The tone of her voice flattened when she heard about my departure which apparently made me feel guilty.

I feel pity for her condition sometimes, but I can't. I just can't imagine myself to be helping her out. No matter how sweet she sounds, no matter how beautiful her thoughts sound. I can't bring myself to like her.

She'll have to reap what she sowed. She deserves every punishment, every cruelty of this world. And I'll do that.
I'll make sure she suffers. Feels the same agony and pain I did because of her.

I hate her to the core. Because of her I lost the most important person of my life.

My brother.

My Jimin.


Very short update...

But I felt like I should do something
About this

Sorry! But bear with me
If possible



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