4. Caged

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Can something be darker than the darkest shade of black which scientifically doesn't exist yet?


That's loneliness and when it is personally aided by an almost empty and dark apartment, everything turns out a thousand times more worse.

The room was black. Just like my life right now. There is not even a single ray of hope that someone can save me. It's all dark.


Even the sunlight seeping through the window fully curtained was ashamed to disturb the darkness. It slowly faded away. Leaving me all alone, again and pulling out all of the hope that came out of the sunray with itself.

Had it been months or years I don't know. Each and every moment bears like an eternity. Even taking note of how much time has passed will do nothing except stabbing at the same wound again and again.

The big apartment is a beautiful cage in the heart of Seoul and I am the bird cage inside. Atleast, that what it feels like.

Then a cold chill ran down my spine as I remembered that the horrifying moment when a man was killed brutally by a gunshot in front of me. The sight in front of me at that moment was horrible.

Blood was oozing out of the body and all I could do was to stare at the body blankly, supporting myself helplessly on my knees.

The boy in front of me, I met him a few days ago. He was cheerful but, he was then lifeless.

His mistake? He gave me a hug.

"See, this happens to any man who dares to touch you."

He is obsessed with me to the extent to kill anyone. And for him, this didn't seem like a big work. As if he was regular. He killed him without any mercy. Not even a blink of hesitation.

I thought he loved me but it wasn't the answer. It was obsession.

Pure. Evil. Hungry. Obsession.

I was so happy the day I was boarding the flight to South Korea with him. Happy that we will get to know each other more, will get to spend more time together. Wondering what we will do, what we will eat new. That was all that captured my whole mind throughout the journey.

Wondering how he managed to get the permission of my parents to take me with him. He sure had his ways.

It was all so good. We laughed discussing about what we should do in his free time. To visit that famous Han river, try the street foods and what not.

But everything changed the moment the guy hugged me in the amusement park complimenting how pretty I look. Everything flipped, everything changed.

It was just a mild and unharmed interaction. But what happened next was totally not expected.


The darkness of the room I was taken was terrifying. The switching on of the bulb swinging on the middle of the room revealed that very man I met that evening on the park.

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