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y/n's pov

it was 9pm,I was now doing my work at my workplace suddenly my boss called me,i was not having any hint why me he suddenly called me out of a blue

Boss: y/n i just called you to say that im going to increase your pay because i have seen you working hard lately and you deserve this and here you go your pay for this month

y/n :- thankyou so much *bowing *

boss: y/n one more thing ,come to work early tommorow because some employers are on leave

y/n : nae ( yes ) i will be coming early as possible


y/n' pov
now it was 10 pm , i was so tired my muscles started to ache aigoo what should i do now ..... let me buy a pain reliver patch... i dragged my leg to the nearest chemist shop ..... as i was walkingmy way to home suddenly i thought about jungkook

y/n: aigoo my little bunny will be waiting for me at home , i need to get
something to cheer him up , he must working hard at home

note : he is studying bussiness , taking courses online basically doing work & study from home

back to y/n pov: i bought him some banana milk and some instant ramen
y/n's pov
i reached my home with banana milk and ramen behind my back to give
a surprice , jungkook is person to get happy even with little things and
banana milk was also his first love , hahha just kidding he loves me

*unlocked the door*
i was welcomed by darkness in the living room ,maybe he is the bedroom

jungkook pov :
i was working on my project ,i felt really stressed out homeworks,projects these all were eating my head , y/n havent come home yet usually she comes home by 9 pm now it past 10 . As i was deep in my thought i hear clicking of door knob , yeahhh my baby is home ......

 As i was deep in my thought i hear clicking of door knob , yeahhh my baby is home

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