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The beginning

The explorer huft relievly as he found a cave, its look untouched so he think theres no animal stay at there so he decided to set up his tent as well as fire to keep him warm

As he was searching for a wood , he hears wailing , like a crying animal

He drop the wood and took flashlight out of his backpack and goes into the cave

He found an animal

Small with black fur, crying like a newborn. As he saw a big cat, black one he know it from there that this is puma cave

The mother puma look so weak, she look over explorer then look over his child he nudged her child towards the explorer

"o-oh my god, m-mother puma dont die -!!"

The mother puma suddenly transform into human, with a lot of scars and blood pooling

"s-save m-my child please... " she chocked blood make the explorer horrored

"he n-newborn p-please... " she said


"y-Yeon... Yeonjunnie... T-took care... Thank you" the mother smiled, and... Seems like her time has gone

But knowing her child will get save ,its good to know before die right?

The explorer rush to the hybrid mother shook him

"i will... " he look over crying newborn ,he pick him up carefully and pat him

"now baby dont cry... Im... Your new uncle will help you" the explorer smile as the newborn puma look him with doe eyes

"such a cute puma... I will took care of you now"

The explorer took care of him really good, he feed him with food and water since he is camping there , the puma open up to him clinging to him

" your name are Yeonjun, thats what your mom said... Yeonjun understand?" he said to the Puma, the puma seems to understood he nod

"good" the explorer rub his belly

"you know we should go to safest place so you can have injection so you didnt get sick... Lets call it home alright?" the explorer said with a smile

Few days pass, as the explorer reach home, he called his friend who are scientist for animal and hybrid

"Joong-ah! I found a hybrid when i was exploring"

"what?!" the voice at other party seems to shock that the exolorer can hear him chocking

"dont lie to me Woon! " the scientist said

"i am its... A puma hybrid it was new born i found him so.. Puma are rare so... We need to do it secretly i need your help with injection and such " Woon said as he pat the puma who sleeping beside him

"fine , i will bring him tomorrow , how old was it?"

"its a boy, name Yeonjun the mother said but she died... And... I guess weeks?" he said

"fine "

Yeonjun who cant change into human form yet, jumping excitedly when he entered so urban tech like room

Woon giggles , then he hold him carefully

"baby to excited isnt he?" Puma nuzzle against him lovingly "alright lets meet other uncle hm? His name is Joongie hyung "

Puma just meow cutely, make Woon thinks he should recorded all those meow becoz when the puma grow he will growl or hiss :/

"Woon--! Oh wow you didnt lie to me" Joong said surprised

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now