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It's been 4 months since the incident , well you can see how Yeonjun rapid growth at their mansion from IQ and EQ but... Yeah they are still hiding the fact they are kind of kidnapping him? But for good reasons

Here they are now , looking at the puma who is busy making his own nest. Shocking?? Nope

Yeonjun knew he was omega , he can sniff his own pheromones at his own paw

Smells like a sweet lemon with a dust of jasmine

A nice combination i would say

As he told this to Felix, they quickly buy what omega needs for nesting

"Is it comfy enough, Yeonnie?"

"Do you need more??"

"Want some plushie??"

They asked with a worried face, while Yeonjun happily shook his head while holding one of his papa clothes

"It's good enough!! Thank you!!" He said make them feel relieved

Well handling a puma and it's omega? That's hard , because the puma hybrid is almost extinct and Yeonjun is one of them. And research for taking care of puma hybrids is really ... What should i say ... It's limited

"If you need more or somewhere, feel free to tell us " Kai said

The puma nod happily

"It's more than enough hehe" the puma said , then hold his papa clothes , snuggled then purred on them

He feels safe with his papa scent

"How does Woon-ssi smells?" Kai ask

"Hnmm... A really nature like smells... Like... A mapel leaf with... A sprinkle of rains" he said

"Wow... I'm impressed that Yeonjunie is really smart in describing things " Beomgyu said

"Then what Kamal hyung smells like??" he ask, then the puma walk over him then sniff on him

"Mm... Should say a nice chamomile mixed with pepper mint , Kamal hyung have a really refreshing scent!" He said

"Oh... Ohh" unknowingly make Kai blush ,he can't stop grining that make the members smake his shoulder

"Alright², he should rest since... His time will on his peaked . Let's get out " Soobin said

"Yes sir" they replied

"And Yeonjun please click on this button if you need something " Kai said to him , pointing at the red button on the night stand

"Alright hyungie!"

"Bye junnie!!" The babysitters wave at him for last time before the door closed

Yeonjun then look at the door for a while

"Clear?" He sniffing the air, their scent slowly go away . He smile excitedly before walk to his bed then slid something from there

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now