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Today everyone seems so serious yet hurried. Every worker goes right and left holding a box of weapons who didn't even know when to use them while Hueningkai being the supervisor needs to manage them, need to make it as good as possible and no clumsy mistake

"Keep on checking, count them we didn't know how many we would use. Also is the vest in good condition? If not take a new one at the store" he said to one of the workers that quickly take his words to an act

"Finally... Yeonjun waits for us"

Hell yeah
They found Yeonjun now and they can't waste a second. The puma waited too long, it's been almost 2 months since he got abducted by that unknown person

And now, they want him back

"HYUNG! LET ME JOIN THIS!!" A scream heard makes Hueningkai look behind him

He saw Beomgyu is going around Soobin who just ignored him ,looking through his ipad while looking at Beomgyu with no interest

"Sorry Gyu, your body isn't in good shape to support this mission" Beomgyu gasp

"I'm literally a HACKER! Your greatest hacker in this team!! I'm not going to jump into the battle or what??" He said

"But Gyu we're afraid they tracked you and attacked you—"

"Hyung! I'm not a coward! I'm not the same boy you took 17 years ago!" He said make Soobin stop in his track

Looking at the fuming Beomgyu , Hueningkai feels like the conversation would go bad he immediately approaches them


Soobin hold his hand , means to keep him silent which Hueningkai shut his mouth. Beomgyu still keeping his eye contact to Soobin

"I am not...the fucking coward boy you found on that winter hyung. You are the one trained me. The one who look how much I'm growing. You... Are the one who makes me know how the family feels like" he said grits his teeth

"So please let me join this mission as in my main position. A hacker"he said, tapping his own chest which make Hueningkai worried a little

Soobin look at Beomgyu with his sanpaku eyes before look at his abdomen

"... You ready to meet your afterlife line?"

"Even if it takes my life, i still remember the swear i made in front of your father "he said determinedly

It's goes a silent before Soobin sigh

"Check  your position, we will get ready on 2a.m. please be ready in your rightful position, Beomgyu-ah" he said before leaving the place, leaving Hueningkai who almost want to scream and shake Beomgyu but he hold it

"Gyu!!" But the male just chuckles

"Hahh... Haha... How uncanny is this" he said

"Yahh, what are you doing?!" Hueningkai freaked out

"Hehe... Just repent,Ning-ah" he said before patting his back , leaving Hueningkai who still stood right there

That's before the worker ask him something which make Hueningkai need to back to his work but his mind still leaving to Beomgyu

How worried he is for the older
And how sad he is hearing what the older said to him

He still remember vividly the memories

"Don't die hyung, we all didn't want to die even if our work mean we need to put our life on line hyung"

"Just don't die"


"Beomgyu hyung... Are we still going to do the plan??" Felix asked , looking slightly worried for the older

"Of course, I've got to join the mission. The first plan success "

"B-but, sir would be so mad if we didn't do as in the briefing " Wooyoung add which make Beomgyu smirk

"Well ... Unfortunately I'm the one who made the briefing map"he said before make both of them oh

"I didn't think about it! Hehe" Felix said which make Beomgyu smile

"Now we need to restore our energy, see you guys in the morning "he said, before waving to them

He sigh before lay on his bed

A silent has invite ld which make him laugh

"Hahh... Kang Taehyun , get our from there" he said

He said as he look to the curtains,  the curtains waving and reveal Taehyun

"... What are you planning hyung?" He straightforward asking the older

Beomgyu sigh before standing straight looking at Taehyun

"May or may not need to do it out of from our original plans but I'm guarantee that it would never risked our main objective"he said as Taehyun sat himself on the table

"And i may or may not tell this thing to Soobin hyung?" He said

Beomgyu look at him with a sinister smile

"Go on... Because i know more what happened in that house than you guys. "he said stepping forward to Taehyun

But Taehyun didn't move, simple look at Beomgyu

"And it's not .. like you guys think"he said

"... What happened there?"

Beomgyu took a step back before landing himself on the bed with a loud sigh as he laid his arm to his eyes and he start to laugh

"He... Is not Yeonjun we knew hahah!!... Hahahahah!!" He laugh maniacally make Taehyun widen his eyes before go out from his room

Leaving laughing Beomgyu who slowly turn into a sobs

"It's... Not our Yeonjunie we knew... It's... My fault" he said to himself, as the tears running down his face

A chocked sobs is heard in his room

And If someone passes by his room, they would also feel how sad is his crying right now

"I am so sorry... Yeonjun-ah"

"Ara.... Ara!!"

"Yes sir"

"Is his meal arrived? He need his meall now Ara!"

"Will do, sir"

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now