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This chapter full of how they know the puma there ok?

"so here's the plan" Soobin open the files , using the beam projecter so all of his teammate can see it

"as you can see, theres a rumor that a rare hybrid will be placed here, and the so talked hybrid are puma "

That make some of then gasp , puma??

"as you guys know that puma have long extinct d
due to salvation so here i want us to take that puma"

"if you guys wonder why" Taehyun jump in "we didnt know if that human will treat that puma so, we will send 2-3 to be with Hueningkai for this mission" he said, Hueningkai nod

"for sure, Beomgyu will help you guys entering there" Soobin said

"any questions?" He ask

"for how long this mission will be?"

"... Until someone who found that puma , gone for awhile"


"theres really puma"

"what should we do , Kai-ssi?"

Hueningkai look at the puma who play with the owner, Woon

"we will see if they treat him well, for now keep working like usual until Soobin-ssi give us a signal. Dont do it by yourself , understand?"

"yes, Kai-ssi"


"hello little one, my name is Kamal and will be your language teacher!" He said

The puma tilt his head innocently

"Ka... Mal?"

"yes ! Aww you doing good, call me Kamal hyung? Alright? Ka-mal Hyu-ng !

"Kamal hyung!"

"yes , you're so smart now we will learn an easy one, ready ??"


"Kai-ssi the lab sample have shown the result, that puma are omega"

Hueningkai that heard this widen his eyes


"yes , it show that if the puma pass 20 years old, his first heat will show and... I heard 3 way to treat it" Huenungkai start to be so anxious about this

"one of it are let the puma, play with water so his body heat will cool down"

"next , put a heat suppresent in his food"

"or next... Let the puma ... Mated"

"what??!" his teammate shudder

"thats what they said, but Joong-ssi and Woon-ssi didnt accept the last one so for now the third are still in debate"

"... Alright... Thanks for info, you will send it to Soobin alright?"

"will do, Kai-ssi"


"he will gone for week guess its right time"


"dont kill him, any other than 2 of them"

"roger that"

Hueningkai close the phone and look at his teammate

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now