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Finally the moon rose, to let the sun rise on the other side of the earth. Beomgyu looks over Yeonjun who is still fast asleep on his lap.

"He is soo clingy... A cute one" he said as he shrugged, that's before the world called him

He touched his stomach, frowning

"Aish damn... The hell ramyeon kicked in—!!!" He sucked his mouth up, slowly moving Yeonjun from his laps trying to not wake the other up. As he succeeded, he proceeded to be the next usain bolt going to the toilet

Leaving Yeonjun who fell asleep while sucking his thumbs, a baby!

But after a good 5 minutes he started to stir in his sleep before finally he opened his eyes. Looking confuse

"Eung?? H—hyungie? " He yawns before looking around "mm...?" He found the clock, showing it's 6.46 p.m. now

"Maybe he took a shower? Jjunie needs a shower too"he baby talks to himself as he walks to his room. Carefully step on the stairs before he heard loud grunts

His puma ears catch it so fast that makes him quickly look over the sound. He look over his room before looking at the corridor, the dark corridor

He never see any of the members passing there but why ? They even prohibited him from going there.

Curiosity can kill a cat, he forgot the proverb Kamal taught him

He slowly walk into the corridor

And he found many doors, make him realize that he didn't discovered 100% of the mansion. His ears again perked up as he hears the same grunt, sounds painful

Looking around, there's nobody. Reminded that almost all workers joins the mission with other


He step in front of the door it was locked but that didn't stop him

He make his nails sharpen before trying to unlock the door. He just try , keyword TRY

But he didn't expect the door would open,  click sound make himself proud

He twist the door knob to found

"P... Professor?"


"Everyone don't lower your guards, remember the main objective. Find the documents and the hard disc . After that retreat right away" Bangchan said to all of them using the in ear

All of them nodded in unison before the right and left wing goes right away to their position. As well the front row would blow the entrance

Tit tit... TIT TIT TIT!

The sound of the bomb can be heard, they quickly goes in .

"... Clear" One of them said in ear

"Clear too"

Finally the leader step inside looking over the old lab research.

"Clear too. Bangchan can you acces all the cctv here?" He ask

"Open the power outage first, right wing can go the south and you can found the main electric system there" he said , the right wing team quickly understand then goes to the south

"Everyone check everything" Soobin said,all of them start to work

On the right wing

There's Hueningkai being the team leader, after securing the place is safe he do the sign for the other to come in

"... Wait" one of them said


He quickly point his flashlight, they saw a thin string shining. He look over where it connected to see there's a bomb

Hueningkai tsked before announced it to everyone

"There's a bomb, please be alert. There's a bomb"

On the left wing, Taehyun gulped his saliva

"You guys heard it" he said , all of them nodded as they continue to search for the things they wanted too

"Soobin hyung , we're almost there" Hueningkai said to the in ear

"Be careful " the leader said before looking at every corner of the room

That's before he saw something on the second floor. A big paper with a red paint all over

He carefully go to the second floor, still alert with a gun on his hand

He finally reach out the paper but it's written backward. But as he take it the sound of alaarm came on


Bangchan on the other side now panic

"Yahhh what happened?!" Yeosang ask , Bangchan finally got to get the access of the cctv before his eyes widen


Soobin grith his teeth

"ITS A TRAP!" Soobin said


"WE HAVE 5 MINUTES, GO GO!" Taehyun said

"But hyung?! The documents?!" Hueningkai ask

Soobin then realized before holding his in ear

"Estimate where the bomb are"

"Wait Yeosang will do it" Bangchan said peeking on Yeosang who's still on work

"... It's not bomb... Its bombs" Yeosang said out of horror

"The main bomb??" Soobin ask

Yeosang look over all maps as he saw

"At your place Soobin—ssi... Right at the ceiling" he said

Soobin looking up, as he saw there's a red and blue light going off there

"Soobin-ssi ,left wing safely evacuated from the place, over" Taehyun said as he done counting them

"Right wing safely evacuated too, over" Hueningkai report

Soobin hold his breath before running down from the second floor

"Front row would evacuate now! Right after that we're going main base!"

"Right away?!"

"We have another threat!"

"Its 30 seconds left!" Bangchan said , Soobin and his team run out from there

They finally got into their van

"Buckled up everyone!" Wooyoung shouts , at the other van Felix the one who drive

They finally boost from there and the lab finally blown

Their van almost falling off but thankfully their not

Soobin on the other hand clench his fist

"Faster Wooyoung!"




G O T CH A!!

I knew where my sweet Yeonjunie now~ I'll claim him too-de-loo!!


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