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What a very right time, someone holding him by waist then pull both of them from the stairs in result making them fall and bumped the wall

Both Felix and Wooyoung approaches them


Ah shit-- their legs shaken now

Its Soobin who saved the puma

While the puma still closing both his eyes, his hand in fist

"... Hey... Open you're eyes , you safe now" Soobin said in soft tone

Yeonjun slowly opening his eyes, then seeing an unknown man

"?? Eung?? ... ??" he then look over the stairs then himself


The puma quickly stand up then hugging Felix

He literallu start to cry

"Felix hyungieeee... Hic "

"shhh shhh you're still a baby , not grown up shh still our baby . Dont cry , dont cry" Felix said as he hug the puma too, patting his back slowly

"sir, you're alright??" Wooyoung help Soobin to get up

"yeah alright, just a little bump" Wooyoung then let out a relieve breath. Before he bow deeply

"were sorry sir, this will never repeated again" Wooyoung said urgently

"please keep you're words"

"ill sure be, sir" Wooyoung said before look up again. "oh my the baby to shocked now"

Yeonjun still crying at Felix hold

"aww dont cry shh, okay?? Now dont cry, papa will worry about Junnie okay?" Felix tried to reassure him and thats works

"w-wowwy??" he said in between the sniffles and sobbing

"yes,dont want to make papa worry right??"

"n--nn nuu" Yeonjun quickly shaking his head

"alright,you're good. Junnie save now " Felix then give him a quick peck at his crown before wiped the puma tears

"mhm... "

"now you need to say thank you alright? Its manner okay?" Felix said , then look over his boss

Yeonjun then turned his head around to see the man who saved him. His body still hugging Felix

"t-thank you"

Soobin smiled

"glad you're safe then"

"alright lets go--"

"nuuu!!!" Yeonjun them climbed up Felix body , hugging him tightly

"oh no , my baby trauma should i destroy the stairs now???" Wooyoung ask ,as he patting the puma so he will calm down a little

"yeah construct it into a slide" Felix said , before looking intense at the stairs

Well love can make you stupid
Like this babysitters for example

Soobin then shake his head

"just hold him, Wooyoung watch Felix step" Soobin said

"alright. Junnie , Felix will hold you , dont move around okay?" Felix said, holding the puma like a koala


Felux took a step as well try to look his step , Wooyoung hold his shoulder while Soobin behind them

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now