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Beomgyu spread his arm and leg  as he lay on his bed, he didn't want to be exempted from this mission. Yeonjun already filled his heart, no way he would let them save him without him. So here he is now, finally follow what the doctor said , to rest and have a recovery from past operation

"... Hah... " He slightly touches his bandages, still hurtful but not as before he can manage. For sure this is the most brutal shot he got from before. Being a mafia means you lived in a danger zone, ready to get assassinated, constant threat and such but for how long he lived this is the most brutal

Not just leaving a stab and shots , taking what precious from them, the precious from him. The sadness still lingered on his mind, waking up with a sweat he knew he has a nightmare

Replaying like a broken cassette, where Yeonjun looks at him with teary eyes, asking him for help and how loud his crying that time

It haunts him, but he always casts his own spell on him. Saying things such 'its your fault' ' you must bare it' 'its a payment for your clumsiness '

He accepts it , yeah... Really

Knock knock!

His head perked at the door, before the door open revealing Wooyoung and Felix

"Oh? Felix, Wooyoung? Come in!"

Both of them entered before locking the door , Beomgyu weirded out, finally they sat on his bed before putting out the threat note Soobin found at the old lab


"Well sir—"

"Put down the sir thing, its fine" he said, make Felix nodded

"Well Beomgyu hyung, can you look up at this note??" Felix said before passing the threat note to him. He took it before examine them

"This... Huh?"

"We want to help but... We don't have any clue other than this note well uhm can you... Help us??" Wooyoung said

"... I guess, but please keep it as a secret okay??"

Both of them pull up a thumbs up make Beomgyu smile

"Please get my laptop over there" he ask, Wooyoung jumped from the bed as he got the lapto he skipped to the bed

"Calm down" Beomgyu grinned as he open his laptop, taking the ipad that slidded under his pillow , connecting both of the device before opening the software he created

"What's that hyung?"

"Well since I'm the main hacker in the team, I've always made a fake documents and get the original one, so basically I'm trying to look out if one of them has a same signature letter or something " he said, Wooyoung 'oh' at that

"Who did you suspect hyung?" Felix ask, Beomgyu was in dazed for a while before pursed his lips

"I don't know, CW is a really foreign name" he said "it can be a trap too" he said

"Hmhm... Oh yea hyung, are you okay now? Is the wound healed?" Wooyoung ask

"Almost! Just a constant nightmare, but it's all nothing i over came it" he said "while that please help me go through the document, and if there's a little similarities pin and we will scanned it with this note" he said



"Yah!! What did i told you about eating properly!" Jin said in rage, he hold his hips as all the members can't take their eyes of from their gadget

Disrespectful to the food that he made

"Sorry hyung, we got preoccupied by this event..." Hueningkai said as he put his tablet, but the tail of his eyes still looking at them. His finger can't stop tapping on some button

Jin face sour by second before he notice something lost

"Eh? Where Felix and Wooyoung?? Also that boy! He need to eat hish—!"

"SORRY LATE FOR DINNER!!" both babysitters shouted as they run to their seats, while there's Beomgyu trailing behind holding his abdomens

"You guys little piece of satan!! You—! You make me ran for damn sake!!!" He shouted before clutch to his abdomens, his mouth open wide with almost sprung out eyeball make them laugh

Jin look at this immediately taking him to his seat

"It's too early for workout, focus on resting and don't push to much. The stitches may dry but they snap" Jin nagged at him, Beomgyu just accept the fate . As Jin nagged him while giving him his dish he saw Soobin look at them — Wooyoung ,Felix and him

"What?" He blurt, Soobin look at him before open his mouth

"Did you guys do something?" He ask

"Well my stamina goes down, and I'm getting thinner thank you . They helped me with a 'small' workout anyway" he said, pressed the 'small' . giving a side eye to the babysitters who innocently eating their food

Soobin nodded in approvement

"Alright "

That's until Jin nagged all of them for not eating the food, quickly taking their devices aside make them need to focus on their food

"Taehyun-ah, I'll make your protein shake stay there" Jin said, Taehyun nodded as he saw Jin retreating figures he quickly took his phone from the pocket

"... Our insider enter their place but they didn't see any different" he said

"Chang Wook place?" Taehyun nodded, make Soobin sigh. "Ask them to leave immediately, he is not the one then"

Soobin look at Hueningkai

"How about you?"

"Same as Taehyun, no suspicious move or a weird thing happened. They really choose peace over war" Hueningkai said "Dong Wook really put all his mafia work aside for his wife, how sweet" he muttered before putting away his device again as he saw Jin coming

Beomgyu who heard this , nodded silently before looking at Felix and Wooyoung who share the same look

"4 peoples out from the list now it's between 2 of them"

"This liquid will make him more rebellious, are you sure ?"

"I am sure, i will show him who he need to bow"

"Inject him"

"I'll shape you to be what i wanted you to be"

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