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"I'm sorry , I'm so sorry!! "



Beomgyu wakes up abruptly,he looks around to see other members look at him in worry. For a split second he is crying

"!! G-gyu!" They all come to him

"I-i ... I failed... I failed !!" He said as he was sobbing loudly, covering his eyes using his hands. His body is shaking,the tears flowing non stop dripped onto the blanket , the hurt by getting shots and stabbed can't even compete with what he feels right now

He is clumsy

He let his guard down

And now... Yeonjun is nowhere

"Im sorry... Im so sorry!!" He sobbed , babbling how he regret, how he must disappointed them how is that clumsy

All 'what if' is running through his mind
What if I'm stop the bad habits
What if I'm not that late
What if—


He look over the male, Woon looking at him with such sad reaction. Oh no, he must be mad, he must feel so regret trusting his team to take care of his puma , he must-

But the uncontrollable thought stop once Woon hug him

"Thank you... For almost giving your life to safe him. It's not your fault, Beomgyu-ya" he said, Beomgyu slowly hugging the older, drenched his cloths with his tears , hiccuping while that

Soobin sigh, they late. They didn't realize it was a trap, if he really go through the threat maybe they're not in this situation

But what he can do now? It's already happened and now what they need to do is hold it back together and try to solve them

Slowly Beomgyu's crying slowly fading, looking at Woon with such helpless eyes

"We will make it better, search for the solution it's the right thing to do. Don't burden yourself, young one" Woon said, Beomgyu nodded aggressively

"Yeah... We can't stay depressed" Taehyun cut in "we'll look for that asshole who took what ours ,at the first place" he said

"Yeah the audacity to claim him?!" Hueningkai intervention,make Felix laugh a little

"Ya hear that Woo??"

Here Wooyoung with a snot running nodded, Felix quickly push his face away

"Eww" he cringed, Joong on the corner smile sadly

"... Beomgyu, are you good to talk now?" Soobin ask, as he stepped in

"... Yes" he said determine-ly

"Then tell us, what happened" he command, make other put their attention to Beomgyu


Beomgyu just done with his thing, finally walk out from the washroom. But it's weird, awfully weird

"... Something not right" he said to himself, he goes to the vase, digging into the soil until he finds the dagger hiding inside

His mind telling that there's someone inside their mansion

Someone who's not from their side

By that, his mind quickly goes to Yeonjun. His eyes widen by that , he stealthy run to the living room to see there's nobody there

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now