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Finally it's the day , getting ready and tucked all weapon everyone is with their leader briefing for the last time as they're on their way

With the last ending they said

"Don't fail and keep alive for those who live"

Everyone is on their position, the sniper sucked inside the forest silently, crouching down and put silencer on their sniper before checking their target. Giving the response to Taehyun which Taehyun respond back to Beomgyu who 30km away from the mission place

"Sniper's ready"

"Good, the shift would change in 10 minutes. So the other team please wait until they change their shift" he said which received an understood from other team

Kai who ready with another hacker take a deep breath, he have a two mission. First go to cctv room, and after their done he will go to puma room. To tame back the puma

"Don't nervous okay? You wear 3 bulletproof vest , don't worry " Kai said to the male , the male nodded but his hands shacking

Kai hold his hand

"Focus... Focus" he said, the male look at Kai

"I knew this is your first mission but trust with yourself" he said before pet the male

"Im... Not nervous because of that"


"Why you say it like that, Jungwon?"


Soobin's ready with their position, looking at everywhere until they saw the guards already change , he immediately tell it to Beomgyu

"The first floor already changing their shift , over"

" The rooftop still waiting"Taehyun said

"I know, i already hacked into their cctv" they heard Beomgyu said "be ready in your position, the puma is already asleep in his room also Jay"

With that the mission started , the snipers precisely shooting the guards headshot them without any hesitation. Where as Kai taking the security guard uniform also the extra to make Jungwon wear

Soobin and his group sneaking inside the house Kai taping the key of the house which make the door open without any alarm

Almost nobody inside, all maids already sent home leaving only their right hand, Jay also puma with the dead guards

They're going in the dark, quickly make them faints as the other workers will dispose them quietly

Finally Kai and Soobin meets at second floor, giving a nod as Kai walk with Jungwon to the cctv room while Soobin go to Jay room

Soobin enter the room with 2 other workers he choose. Going to sleeping Jay , he take a scissors as he snipping the pipe from his necklace

They quietly take the broken necklace and keep it then put the fake one on his night stand before silently run from there

"We're done" Soobin said , which received a beep sound means it enter

He walk to other room, to kill whoever saw them . Nobody need to know they're crashing Jay's place

Until another beep sound arrive

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now