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One night , it seems like to be the day where Yeonjun heat come and attack him

"Unghh... Ngahh... Nnghh b-bbokari~ it hurt so much-- " he said as he sniffles, he hugs the chick plushie deeper onto his chest. Hoping it would lessen the pain he got down there

Can't stop wiggling at his own bed and the hot feelings right now , he looks over the bathroom then starts biting his lower lips

"C-cold water" he then tried so hard to walk normally to the bathroom, quickly open the tap water and set it to cold temperature

As he was being impatient,he jumped right into the tub and didn't open his clothes

He splashes the water repeatedly on his face , it feels so refreshing

Slowly his heat gone he sigh reliefly

[ ✨🦊🍎✨ ]

Next morning someone knocks on the puma door slowly open it because there's no one respond to it

"Yeonjunie?... Junie? Kamal here"

He look around then saw a really messy nest of the puma,then there a opened bathroom door

He quickly dash to the room to see ,still clothed Yeonjun sleeping there

"!! Yeonjun!!" Kai take a towel then wrap his body using it then took him out from the tub , bringing his soaked wet body to the bedroom place him onto the floor . Using his thigh to support his head

"Hey! Yeonjun wake up!" Kai is panicking right now as the younger didn't respond to his shouting

But gradually the younger open is eyes to see Kai look at him , relieved

"Oh my gosh I'm scared" the older said as he hug him tightly

"Mmnm... Kamal... Yeonjunie... Has heat... I'm strong hehe"he said weakly

"You shouldn't stay there to long, you could get sick! Oh my gosh i should dry and change you right now. Can i?" Kai ask ,Yeonjun nod

He indeed feels so weak, with his crazy heat after that soaking himself in cold water . Sure he is feeling unwell right now

"Alright then"

After Kai done dry and changing Yeonjun clothes ,he put the younger to his nest but

"N-not here" Yeonjun said ,holding onto Kai's arms

Kai understands why, he didn't waste the time as he held him like a bride, going out from there before bringing him to his room

Slowly put him in his bed

"H-hold me hyung" he tugged Kai's arm

"I will ,Junnie just let me close the door and inform everyone that you are with me-"

He stop talking as the puma whines more

"Alright baby. You need more attention am i right?" He said as he joined the puma, covering both of themselves in soft blanket

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now