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Here they are now, try to calming down that puma .

Growling , with such a sharp eyes like. His fangs start to be long much than normal human with his nails began to be much longer and sharper

He triggered that puma

"!!" both Felix and Wooyoung stay back while Hueningkai gulp down his saliva

Wheres that sweet puma???

"okay guys... Calm down... Dont ever move" Hueningkai said, looking at Felix and Wooyoung

The puma again growl

"shh... Junnie... Junnie hear me... " Hueningkai said "Kamal... Kamal want to apologize for stuck needle in you please Kamal, im sorry" he said

But no the puma still hiss at him

Did i mention that, Yeonjun didnt shift at all?

"Junnie im sorry please--"


Beomgyu look at the scene , while his hand in air bought that 2-3 plastic of mintchoco ice cream tube

"wow... Did you guys play something?" Beomgyu said

Felix just blinked then look at the puma

"Wooyoung look, his eyes start to being normal" he said to Wooyoung

"?? Eh??"

Yeonjun eyes being that childlike , that big shiny cute eyes back with other features turn into normal

"mintchoco?? Ice cream??" he said in confusion

Hueningkai who still processing now get it

"yeah! Ice cream mintchoco your favourite!" Hueningkai said, took that plastic from Beomgyu

"eh??" now Beomgyu in confusion to

"here you can take mine, okay? As Kamal apologize to Junnie alright??" he said as he approaching Yeonjun with that ice cream

Yeonjun then took it and look around the plastic

"... Nu lie?" he ask to Kamal "nu lie to me??"

"no, im not lying " he said "you can eat it Junnie , its yours"

"... Thank you" he smile, make Hueningkai relief

Then back to Beomgyu who still confuse back there

"what in Taehyun aengdu... "

Here they are , looking at the puma that happily eat his mintchoco ice cream

"mind telling me what happened?" Beomgyu ask , make their attention to him except the puma

"well... He may or may not scared of me then i triggered his puma then want to attack all of us until you came at right time with ice cream " Hueningkai said

"... Mintchoco... Another mintchoco lover here" Wooyoung said as he wipe the puma mouth with tissue

"ahh... So cuteee like a child, we bribe them with sweets hehehe" Felix continue adoring the puma

"... Wait why are you here?? Didnt you should be with Taehyun now?? Why are you buying ice cream???" Hueningkai shocked

"ohh we take a break, while Taehyun go to lab with Joong to get everything in there i get your ice cream which is my dare that you gave me--"

" thats a month ago Beomgyu" Hueningkai said with poker face


"you done junnie?? " Felix ask as he saw Yeonjun push away the tube

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now