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At the van, the blood splatters like some kind of abstract art. With the whistling while holding his silver pipe, stepping unto Taehyun unconscious figure

"Hah~ dumb dumb hehe"

Soobin who arrived there widened his eyes


Jay turned around to see Soobin

"Ahh tubatu leader-nim~ Soobin ssi?" He said playfully

"Put your leg aside, Jongseong" he grits his teeth, Jongseong then steps onto real ground as he walks to Soobin

"Soobin ssi, Soobin ssi... What a good plan you make on this beautiful night" he said " sadly I can't sleep peacefully after knowing you snipping my precious silver pipe and took them away" he said as he playing with the silver pipe

"For the one who took away our Puma, don't you dare " he said

"Oopsie~ did i press the button??" He said as he sigh

"I take him to replace him! The one before is really useless" he tsked "and i knew him! Thanks for showing him while you guys on erand!! I love training him the most rather than the old one! A freaking todler" he said


"Hehe... And you know what? Hm... That Daniel and Johnny are siblings??? Woahhh and his brother is much better than him!!"

Soobin frown which make Jay laugh

"Wait... You didn't know them? Hahha! I change his name! Daniel is much better name than Yeonjun tho, quite childish taste" he said make Soobin raged

"His mother the one who named him don't you disrespect her like that" he said

"Ohh yeah? Sorry then haha?"

Soobin took out his gun, point it to Jay

"I shouldn't waste my time talking to you"

"Oh really~" he plays with the silver pipe, he blows into it and by second the gum shots can be heard in the forest


The puma is awake, looking at his surrounding

They thought the puma will know them but


Yeonjun hissed at them ,but Kai being more faster . He tighten the blanket, Wooyoun literally take a hose to tied Yeonjun

"Yeonjun Yeonjun listen!" They put him to the ground but Yeonjun would growl and never hesitant to bite them

"Woon what happened??"

"I think it his puma nature, he is protecting Yeonjun now so he look at us as a threat" he said until Jungwon stepped into Yeonjun

Kai knew this backing up, he let Jungwon do the works

Jungwon slowly hold Yeonjun head softly, ignoring the growl by him as he bumped their forehead closer

"What is he doing??" Beomgyu ask, Kai shushed him

Until a few minutes, Yeonjun stopped moving before looking at Jungwon who smiled at him the look at every place he is right now


Their eyes widen , shocked also happy

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now