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"i want to follow you guys!!"





There's Soobin just walking down the stairs, giving a frown to his members who feel bad for the puma

"What happened?" He asks, Beomgyu looks at him before looking at Hueningkai arguing with Yeonjun

"Yeonjun wants to join us" he said directly, showing how worried he is. Soobin eyes widen

"Who told him we have a mission??" He asks, before Beomgyu points to Felix who whistles but as his eyes catch his boss he quickly lowers his gaze , not wanting to see his leader reaction

Soobin shoots him a sharp glare before sigh


"I want to—"


Silence . . .

Yeonjun looking down with trembling lips, clenching his fist out of sadness

"... Yeonjun looks at me" Soobin steps in, but Yeonjun goes back away from him, Soobin bit his lower lips before reassuring the puma to be closer with him

"Yeonjun listen... Look at Soobunnie?" He said with a cute tone at the end, making Yeonjun eyes find his eyes too

Soobin smiles before opening his arms, allowing Yeonjun to hug him

"You need to stay , Junnie"

"But I don't want to" he said ,muffled

"Why? It's not fun to be there , Junnie-ya" he said as he looked at his eyes

"But but! You guys will leave me alone! I want to join you guys!" He said as he huffed his cheeks also a teary eyes, make Soobin Feels bad for the younger

"... " Soobin gives a glance to Hueningkai who scratches his neck, Soobin then thinks about something



"Do you want to scent us before we're going?? If that makes you feel better, we will give you in" he said in a calm tone

"Oh..." Yeonjun goes red after hearing this, scenting same as they give their trust to him, the opportunity to mark them as his territory. He slowly nodded

"Alright , everyone Yeonjun will scent each of us but don't overwhelmed him" Soobin command them, they nod as they saw how red Yeonjun are

Yeonjun began to scent them right at their neck, snuggles excitedly as he smells their own scents too.

Lastly at Beomgyu, he start to scent the male, at first it's normal like other that until Yeonjun start to climb him and scenting him like crazy

"!! O—oh?? Ye-Yeonjunie??" Beomgyu hold the puma, but Yeonjun didn't budge a bit , he maybe quite aggressive with Beomgyu right now

"A-alright Yeonjunie, please let go Beomgyu—"


They stepped back as Yeonjun hissed at them, showing his sharp puma eyes make them step back

"Oh my... W-what should we do now?? Will he eat Beomgyu hyung??" Taehyun said, make Beomgyu eyes widen

"Yah yah!! Your mouth!" Beomgyu threatened him but Taehyun just give him a teasing smile

"Yeonjunie?" Hueningkai step in

"Mmm??" Yeonjun hummed, he feel so comfortable right now. He didn't know why Beomgyu scent give him so much comfort that make him can't let go of the older

"Do you want to... Beomgyu stay with you??"

"Heh??" Everyone freak out hearing this

"Huening-ah! We need Beomgyu hyung??" Taehyun said

"We will ask other mate to take his position, im sure Bangchan can take his position right now . Am i right Felix? Or we can take Yeosang too as a back up?" Hueningkai said as he look over Soobin before looking at the 2 babysitters

"Oh... That's a good idea, Ning" Soobin said before looking at the 2 babysitters"im sure you can contact them right away, now" he said

"Alright sir!" They quickly try to contact the said male , and now their attention goes back to Yeonjun

"Beomgyu, you can stay and keep Yeonjun safe here" Soobin said

"Are you sure??" Beomgyu ask

"Yes i am, you have your permission to leave the mission"

"Thank you, hyung" Beomgyu said, and then both babysitters goes to Soobin

"Bangchan said he can come join the mission, i already send them the location "

"Me too" Wooyoung said, Soobin nod in amusement

"Alright, we'll go now. Take care Beomgyu, Yeonjun" they finally left, leaving Beomgyu and Yeonjun who still busy sniffing his scent

"A-ahh J-Junn it's tickle!!" Beomgyu said as he finally sit on the couch, letting Yeonjun to sit on his laps

"Mmm~ Beomie hyungie smells soo good!" He purred loudly make Beomgyu cooed

"I know baby, what do i smells like?"

"Mm... Mommy smells!" Yeonjun said with a hint of sadness, Beomgyu pat his hair slowly as he kiss his cheek

"What mommy smells like?" He ask softly

"Mm... Honey like scent... A hint of sweet wild berry also... Tea" he said before looking at Beomgyu

"Can Yeonjunie... Uhm" he play with his hems , Beomgyu look at him in adoration

"What is it dear??"

"Can Yeonjunie... Mark hyungie??" He ask shyly as he look over Beomgyu with that galaxy eyes

"Mark me? hyung??" He ask in surprised as he pointed himself

"Mm... Nevermind!" He quickly goes to smell the scent again, Beomgyu feels bad at this

"It's okay, you can mark hyung. It reminds you of your mommy right?" He said , Yeonjun nodded slowly . He patted Yeonjun's head before exposing his neck

"Go on " he said , Yeonjun face is so red right now. He didn't expect showing neck is that seductive?!!

And yeah he learns a new vocab ! (p/s , from Taehyun also Soobin)

"Mm... If it hurt, h-hyungie can push Junnie" he said, Beomgyu chuckles before smiling

"Beomie trust Junnie"

Yeonjun ready his fangs first, slowly goes to the neck. Nibbling on them before struck his fangs slowly onto the neck

Beomgyu face show some discomfort at first but gradually he okay with it

Yeonjun let go as he look at the mark, automatically he feels that his scent smells different. It have a scent of Beomgyu combining with him too

Slowly he feel drowsy with that smells, feeling safe and secure. He still remembers the smells of his mommy as Woon and him stay at the same cave for a week

But the scent slowly goes away as Woon finally burried his mommy, from that he always search something that smells like his mommy on the lab. And finally he found the perfect photocopy of his mommy scent, Beomgyu

Beomgyu hugged him, patted his bum as he noticed the younger eye lid struggle to keep them open

"Hyungie here... Mommy scent is also here , don't worry" he whispered, Yeonjun nose goes to his neck again, to be near the scent gland, to be near with his mommy

"I miss my mommy"




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