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Yeonjun who done with cleaning himself -no, the staff who incharged do it actually, he's still baby who you need to took care of :) like wipe his mouth carefully, wash his hand throughtly yeah-

But ofc he being stubborn baby he is, he didnt want to take off the paw gloves which in result the staff only wash his left hand.

Done with cleaning, he try to walk to his stone slowly, where there have an artificial cave that supposed to be his bedroom

In his bedroom are aesthetic like ,star-like night lamp, cozy carpet, a shelf that have a ton of his toy , a corner full of fluffy matress and pillow

You guys can imagine it :)

Yeonjun go to his circle like bed -its big btw- and let his body dive into it

He snuggle aggresively, and took his chicken wing like plushie and hug it tightly

"papa, back, week... Week... Many?" he ask himself

He then try to count , try to remember what he learn

He frowned a little then look over his both hand -paw gloves-

" ... Se... Ven? Seven ?" he ask himself again then took a number book he put under bed ,sit up and search 7

"7! Yeonjun, smart!" he praise himself proudly

- :') he is smart right omg, im proud momma here-

He slip the book under the bed again, but before he can fell asleep

"Yeonjunnie! Are you asleep already?" a voice with a cheerful tone ask

Yeonjun woke up ,look at the entrance cave

"Kamal-hyung!" Yeonjun walk carefully to him, Kamal who look at him trying to walk cooes instantly

"alright, slowly Yeonjunnie dont rush" Yeonjun finally in his chest , hugging him

"Yeonjun, walk! Far heheh" he giggles, Kamal patting him proudly

"yeah you can walk far right now hehe" Kamal said

"Kamal-hyung, here , why?" Yeonjun ask with innocent eyes

"just want to have revision, making sure as you play around you remember what he teached you hm? Lets go " Kamal interwined their hand

"mhm²" Yeonjun nod

As they walk Kamal try to talk with him so he can talk fluently

"where did you get the paw gloves? And answer it in full sentence okay?" Kamal said

Yeonjun frown ,trying to remember

"papa...brought for.... Yeonjun before... He... He?" Kamal nod "ahh and he... Leaves !" Yeonjun said

"now repeat it clearly" Kamal said

"papa brought for Yeonjun before he leaves! Yeah!" Yeonjun smile widen , Kamal let out chuckles

"you're to adorable now next, whats your name? " Kamal ask again

"my name is Choi Yeonjun!" thats the easiest sentence he learn :')

"okay, whats your age?"

"age?... Joongie-hyung said Yeonjun... 19 ! " Yeonjun said, Kamal just 'oh' then smile

"you're grown up but still a babyy " Kamal cooed "next, who's papa?" he ask, as he remember the first question

"Woonie-papa!" Yeonjun said cheerfully

"he is your papa?"

"yes! Papa love Yeonjun, so big!" Yeonjun said but he think for a while and continue "papa said that he... Love Yeonjun sooo big?" he said with questioning tone

"much , not big okay Yeonjunnie?" Yeonjun nod as he look around


He at basement parking as they walk, he didnt know ,they walk too slow

Kamal look at him and smile

"Kamal hyung? Why here??" he ask innocently but he feels off, his animal instict say so and he walk back , away from Kamal "Kamal hyung... Scared me... " he said a little whimpered heard

"dont worry Yeonjunnie... " Kamal walk to him "Kamal not bad"

"papa said, here , no no place" Yeonjun said, as his eyes looking around. The basement lights are dim but thankful he is puma he can see everything

But what he see is... An empty basement and only 1 black van . He then look at Kamal

"!k-Kamal hyung s-stop, Y-Yeonjunnie scared" he said, Kamal look at him lovingly

"its ok... Its ok... Look at Kamal eyes" Yeonjun look at his eyes, Kamal walk to him and hug him

"shh... Kamal here... Were here"


Yeonjun eyes widen, he look at Kamal with that scared eyes

"K-Kamal... Hyung"


Kamal keep the sytinge inside his pocket and hold him bridal style

"shh... Its ok... Kamal here..." he then grab his walkie talkie behind him

"Beomgyu-ssi im done, cmere"

The black van engine can be heard and sound of screeching too

The van park right infront of him and the door opened, as the driver door open to and the person walk to him

"faster, i already gave signal to them, Kai" he said, and help Kamal or other name ,Kai to put the puma in

Beomgyu took a glance to the puma

"omg... He's so lovely" he cooed with a bright eyes "damn i envied you, i should take an insider as my second roles after this" Beomgyu said, Kai laugh it off and after that they leave the lab

The loud rang notified all the workers at lab , the rang notified that theres intruders and the precious puma gone

"WHERES HIM?!" Joong cried out loud, the tears forming at his eyes he look around the puma playground just to know that theres nothing

He run out, he wiped his tears harshly then grab his phone

But before he can dial the owner of puma, someone push him

"! Who--!!"

The gun point right at his eyes,he slowly lift both his arms

"... You... Joong right? Kim Joong Min "the man ask, he gulp him saliva down and nod

"good... You save, just want to said that we want to take care the precious puma heh... We will give you back perfectly fine for... I dunno? Hehe" he chuckled darkly, Joong eyes widen

"t-that puma are--"

"Choi Woon Shik right? The father of that puma? Yeah you will tell him about this " the man said , cooly leaving Joong stunned

Before he know, his body have brought him outside of the lab and called police

"i feel something off... "

"should i be back..."

"... He will told me probably..."

-the characters name for Joong and Woon are made out, i dunno if theres someone name like them but yeah i just made it up-

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